Author Topic: Need some help with kittens  (Read 2826 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2014, 12:08:54 PM »

That's so good!   ;D

This might be of help too - this website has some good tips and hints on about socialising cats - if the link doesnt work, copy and paste into your browser and that should do it.

Offline Blue Rabbit

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2014, 20:54:28 PM »
Just a quick update, the boys have made HUGE progress and in two days we've only had one incident of a vicious fight and both Archie and Jerry walked away after a couple of seconds!  ;D   All rolling around now seems to be just play fighting and Archie is learning to stop winding them both up. Long may it continue!

Offline Blue Rabbit

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2014, 15:53:19 PM »
I will give it a go, thanks :) There does seem to have been some improvement, a lot more kitten play and less viciousness. Maybe it was just a combination of Archie's op and us being away for three weeks. The housemate was looking after them they didn't like the routine of me and OH not being there?

Offline KittyNic

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2014, 12:58:30 PM »
I have five cats and I've used Feliway before and have just plugged in a Pet Remedy diffuser. Not sure if it's the diffuser or not but my old boy Sam has just been asleep on the sofa next to my ginger boy Chutney and Sam never lays down next to him. He usually snarls whenever Chutney tries to get up next to me.

I'd recommend giving a plug in a try.

It could be a case of two's company, three's a crowd and things may get better when the adorable Humph arrives as he'll have his own playmate.

Offline Blue Rabbit

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2014, 16:06:32 PM »
I have one or 2 cats than most and currently have The Boris who is 13 months, Sergai is 6 months and their partners in crime my rescue Bengal kittens Minstrel and Quaver who are 14 weeks along with about 9 others under 2 and my house is merry chaos but all get on although we have to remind Boris he is now 6.5kgs and a tad bigger than the others

I use laser pens and allsorts of toys to keep them busy and it works but sometimes cats want some of their own space and as such extra high places the big 2 can get to but smaller ones can't means my larger kittens get some free space ad no interference from the Bengallys

We have thought of using higher places but Archie is more of a jumper and climber than the other two! I was thinking about setting a room aside for them but the only way they could get in and out without Archie is if we got a microchipped flap on an internal door. Only problem with this is that we are in shared housing and the landlord will not allow us to install a flap.

I was also thinking about separating them during the day even for an hour or two, but then would Archie get lonely on his own? Unless we put the two out of the living room for a few hours and then keep Archie in with us? Or would that make things worse? I am baffled :(
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 16:07:12 PM by Blue Rabbit »

Offline Liz

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2014, 16:00:28 PM »
I have one or 2 cats than most and currently have The Boris who is 13 months, Sergai is 6 months and their partners in crime my rescue Bengal kittens Minstrel and Quaver who are 14 weeks along with about 9 others under 2 and my house is merry chaos but all get on although we have to remind Boris he is now 6.5kgs and a tad bigger than the others

I use laser pens and allsorts of toys to keep them busy and it works but sometimes cats want some of their own space and as such extra high places the big 2 can get to but smaller ones can't means my larger kittens get some free space ad no interference from the Bengallys
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2014, 15:45:32 PM »
mine really hate each other, toleration would be a dream lol but they are adults which is harder with young ones you are in with a better chance

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2014, 15:44:17 PM »
I've been using royal canin calm food to settle mine down a bit and also have pet remedy plug ins

Offline Blue Rabbit

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2014, 15:43:55 PM »
I know some cats don't get along, they just tolerate each other. The problem is the tolerance levels have just plummeted and for no apparent reason. Ben and Jerry will let Archie snuggle up with them and fall asleep, but when they're up and about it's like they hate each other. This is what lends me to think that they just don't like his rambunctious (sp?) behaviour - Archie is incredibly playful and Ben & Jerry aren't hugely playful any more.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2014, 15:36:43 PM »
well unfortunately some just don't get along, we introduced one in september that still can't mix with our other cats

Offline Blue Rabbit

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2014, 15:31:57 PM »
I thought that initially too but I've owned a lot of kittens over the years and I can tell this isn't play, it's vicious.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 15:32:45 PM by Blue Rabbit, Reason: Spelling is atrocious today! »

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Need some help with kittens
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2014, 15:27:43 PM »
tbh just sounds like they are being kittens, they can play rough sometimes

Offline Blue Rabbit

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Need some help with kittens
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 14:39:22 PM »
Hi all! I'm having a few problems with my kittens, I hope someone can help.

I have four male kittens, Ben, Jerry, Archie and Humph (who is still with his breeder as he's too young to come home yet). Ben and Jerry are 9 months and Archie is 7.5 months. All three are neutered are were done at 5 and 6 months respectively.

Archie came into his own very early but the vet refused to neuter him as he was the runt of his litter and was very small even at 6 months - he was just about hitting 2kg despite being on an excellent diet. He had a few aggression problems due to coming into his own so early (would growl at anything and start fights, was aggressive over toys, and still is what I refer to as a stress eater although this has improved). Since being done he has calmed down dramatically, as one might expect, and his instigation of fights has stopped. All he wants to do now is play.

Ben and Jerry are littermates and absolutely huge for their age, both are hitting 4kg already and they're all muscle and brawn. Jerry, the oldest of the two, has always been dominant, with Ben and Archie vying for middle and bottom positions in our family hierarchy.

My worry now is that Jerry is going after Archie frequently. I don't know if this is a retaliation from the months of Archie starting fights, but I wouldn't have thought so as I know cats aren't really like that, unless I have got this wrong? I'm not sure if it's a dominance thing either as Archie isn't fighting to be top cat any more, he's quite happy with his position at the bottom as long as he can get cuddles.

The only thing I can think that of is that Archie constantly wants to play with Ben & Jerry and they aren't interested or are too busy palling up together. You will rarely see one without the other, understandable with them being littermates, but Archie is then rather left out. Could it be that, even with such a small age gap, they just don't want to play with him any more? We play with him as much as we can, but he's very much a cat person and will prefer playing with other cats rather than humans.

Humph will be home with us in April at the latest, so we just need something until then. I have considered Feliway but am reluctant to get it unless it's getting to the point where hissing and spitting is a common thing. So far, we have only had two incidents of hissing and spitting, and one rather rough fight where fur was flying. As yet, there has been no blood spilt but I don't want it to get to that point either.

They have plenty of mice, balls and da birds, a catit track, a 7ft cat tree, a radiator bed, three good meals a day and unlimited cuddling time when we're at home.

Any thoughts on what we could do would be greatly received.


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