I went to the local car boot sale on Saturday and go 6 lovely cat books for £4.50 - including:
1) a 20 year old British Museum Book of Cats (which I was about to buy new anyway), and
2) a really lovely book called A Collection of Cat Tales - A Cat Lover's Anthology, Paintings By Ditz.
I had never heard of this book before but it is right up my alley - lots of extracts from literature accompanied by some really lovely illustrations.
I was wondering if posters here could suggest their favourite cat books. Of course, I am not going to mention my own book (which I obviously like, coz I'm biased!!!)
I do appreciate that everyone's different, and some people will likevery sentimental books, cutesy picture books or true-life books more than I do.
But I just thought I'd ask for others' opinions, just in case I have missed a book out there that I'd like, and so everyone here can share their thoughts so we all know what books are out there to choose from.