Hey guys, it's been a while. Seeing as it's Sunday I was hoping to get some quick advise here before taking him to the vets tomorrow.
I noticed Capone's been licking his chest excessively and when I picked him up I saw a sore spot about the size of a 50p coin, looking red and sore, with a red small dot in the middle. (not a scratch, doesn't look like a bite either). He cries when I touch around it so he is clearly in discomfort. As he can reach to lick it, I don't want to clean it with Hibiscrub in case that could be dangerous? But I want to clean it, should I do it with warm salt water. Or can I actually clean it with diluted hibiscrub?
A bit of background history: About 2-3 weeks ago I found him in the street, injured. He couldn't walk and his front leg was injured. I took him to emergency vet who noticed bruising and swelling on his body. We don't know what happened to him, but he recovered in time, and he's just recently started going out again (even though I'm in two minds about letting him out now). And now this - not sure if it's related to that incident or totally unrelated.
Anyway, hope some of you could give me some advise as to how to treat the sore spot until he can get a vet appointment. Apart from that he seems in good spirits.
Thank you.