Author Topic: Introducing kitten to resident cat  (Read 9668 times)

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #60 on: August 08, 2013, 15:59:24 PM »
Hey, glad to see everything is going ok......I think cats are a bit like us when the sun is out and it gets warmer, we have to get as much of it as possible because it's so rare in this country.... :wow:  :rofl:

I'm sure Dharma will be back inside when the weather changes..... ;)

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #59 on: August 07, 2013, 16:47:38 PM »
I am glad that things are improving for you  ;D

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #58 on: August 07, 2013, 11:19:56 AM »
A little update two months later....
We found out Bane is a little bit older than orginally thought and old enough to get neutered so we got him booked in right away. Its been a good few weeks now and he has settled down loads, there are much less fights now. Just the occasional growl from Dharma but not near as much as she used to do.

Also since the heatwave we had, Dharma has been going out for days at a not sure if this is related or not. Bane was neutered during the heatwave. She still continues to be away even as the weather has cooled considerably.

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #57 on: June 05, 2013, 10:30:47 AM »
You're welcome. I studied feline and canine behaviour for a few years a while back.
So if you need help in future I'm always around for advice. :)

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2013, 19:59:56 PM »
Very insightful thank you!

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2013, 17:15:58 PM »
Well, Dharma has her ears up and forward, this signifies that she's not tense with him being so close.
Also, her paws are under her body, not out in front of her, as if she might need to defend herself or dash away.
Her tail is curled to her body, not straight behind her. The tail curled along the side that Baine is on could mean that shes still not entirely comfortable, or could just be how she prefers to have it.

Baines posture is non threatening, and quite expectant and playful. His ears again are up, and that he can afford to look away from her, means that he is not fearful. But he is up on his paws, which is still guarded, but also playful.

At the distance they are from each other, this is overall very good.

I hope this helps.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 17:18:01 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2013, 20:28:51 PM »
Out of curiosity, what's the body language you see?

And an off this topic question, we have a huge litter box which is usually dharmas but because she goes outside she only uses it a handful of times in a week, there is a separate tray for bane but because of the kids I would rather he used the big covered one. Can they share the big litter box or am I asking for disaster? We definitely don't have room for two hooded boxes

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2013, 20:24:42 PM »
That's some great success, they've come a long way in a short time.
The body language is excellent, not as relaxed as could be, but certainly pretty comfortable/content.
You've done a great job, and it certainly shows!

Haha, males don't usually 'pounce' when they want to get lucky, usually they just slide on over.  :evillaugh:
I think he's a bit early for that!

Thanks for the update!

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2013, 20:23:22 PM »
Yep I think that's right where he got her. Will be counting those weeks for the vet to recheck the conkers then!

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #51 on: June 03, 2013, 20:21:04 PM »
What a lovely pic. Dharma is the spitting image of Dixie, my old cat who is no longer with us..little love.  Did baine jump on her and grab the scruff of her neck? If so I think these are his conkers kicking in...hmmm little monkey... :naughty:

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #50 on: June 03, 2013, 20:09:33 PM »
Another picture update, though shortly after this bane jumped on top of dharma and tried to nip her

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #49 on: June 01, 2013, 10:17:00 AM »
Well I suppose it's only been a week has it? These things just take time, some longer than others and if Dharma has been the only cat in your home then it will take longer I guess. I was probably lucky as Blue had been with Dixie before we had Dotty and Dixie was a very placid cat anyway and didn't bother at all when Blue arrived as a small kitten. I do think it's harder because of Baine's size as he is a very big 12 week old, the biggest I've seen I think unless the photo is a bit deceiving...... :shocked:  :hug:

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #48 on: June 01, 2013, 10:05:09 AM »
 She still growls when he comes near her. As long as she's asleep and he's left her alone then things are fine but they are far from pals yet.

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2013, 14:17:18 PM »
So glad everything went well at the vets. He's just being a little monkey then..... :naughty: :naughty: I guess he just wants someone to play with and he thinks Dharma does to.... How are things with Dharma is she finding it any better?  :hug:

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2013, 13:18:21 PM »
We took Baine to the vets yesterday and all went well. He had his first set of vaccs and a general check over. He is the age he should be, vet confirmed hes going to be a big kitty!
Balls arent fully descended yet and advises 5 months to get him neutered but will also check again when we go back in 3 weeks time.

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2013, 20:59:15 PM »
I thought the same with her coming back still, very thankful she does!
We have all sorts, balls, the little mice, a stick with the string toy on, cat dancer.

I guess it's just waiting then for things to fully settle down, and hopefully with some balls removal that'll help too.

Haha, 'balls removal'  :naughty:
Well, the ball removal would certainly stop him from other less pleasant things in his teen/early adult-hood, like mounting, spraying, being toooo manly, and such.
But unfortunately his behaviour could allllll just be 'kitten related'!
He's just at that age where he'll get on everyone's nerves, and drive Dharma batty until he grows out of it.  :rofl:

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2013, 20:40:36 PM »
I thought the same with her coming back still, very thankful she does!
We have all sorts, balls, the little mice, a stick with the string toy on, cat dancer.

I guess it's just waiting then for things to fully settle down, and hopefully with some balls removal that'll help too.

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2013, 20:35:31 PM »
Yes and no...the biggest problem is we dont have many rooms. Baine was put into our bedroom as that was the easiest room to seperate him at the start. Dharma goes out overnight and during the day will go sleep in the kids room, she used to sleep in our room on our bed but hasnt gone back there since Baine moved in.
Baine is also sleeping in the kids room overnight...or trying to, my son isnt a fan of a cat at his feet lol. At the moment when Dharma goes into the kids room, Baine follows her still.

Ive made a little setup underneath one of the beds to see if she will take to that.

That sounds kind of like my house, not many rooms.
When Mosh arrived we had to section off the bedroom from Yuki, which left her the lounge and kitchen, as we have no kitchen door.
But the rodents are in the lounge, so one of us had to sleep in the lounge to make sure she didn't get herself into trouble.
But luckily for us they got on so fast, that the arrangement was only necessary for three nights.
I don't know what we would have done if they'd needed longer to get along. :scared:

She goes out during the night but is home in the day?
That's quite interesting, and also a positive sign that she still considers your house her home, even with the mini intruder slinking about.

Boxes are a good idea, plus keeping lots of cat toys on the floor to distract him from bothering her.
What toys do you use?

I don't notice a smell from the Feliway at all - unless I have been blaming Mr S unfairly  :rofl:

Poor Mr S!
Yes, I was thinking about Feliway.. but my house it quite small, and the smell would soon fill it.  :rofl:
That and I already have my own 'smelly feet' producer back there. *points to unsuspecting partner on couch*

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Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2013, 20:14:12 PM »
I don't notice a smell from the Feliway at all - unless I have been blaming Mr S unfairly  :rofl:

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2013, 19:37:01 PM »
The Diffusers do smell a bit like sweaty feet but you get used to it, but believe me they do really work wonders, I wouldn't be without mine..... :wow:

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2013, 19:34:43 PM »
Yes and no...the biggest problem is we dont have many rooms. Baine was put into our bedroom as that was the easiest room to seperate him at the start. Dharma goes out overnight and during the day will go sleep in the kids room, she used to sleep in our room on our bed but hasnt gone back there since Baine moved in.
Baine is also sleeping in the kids room overnight...or trying to, my son isnt a fan of a cat at his feet lol. At the moment when Dharma goes into the kids room, Baine follows her still.

Ive made a little setup underneath one of the beds to see if she will take to that.

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2013, 19:29:05 PM »
There've been a lot of complaints on some review websites that the Feliway/Diffusers reallllyyyy stink the house out, but if you can put up with the smell, they're probably worth trying out.
The problem with providing more hiding places will be that Baine will probably inhabit those too.
Do they still have their own sleeping rooms?

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2013, 19:07:47 PM »
IVe heard about the diffusers, I will give it a few weeks and see how things progress before seeing if we need one. Im trying to provide more places for Dharma to go. Any suggestions would be welcome  :shy:

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2013, 19:00:24 PM »
I've seen your picture of them feeding together which is positive. It can take weeks sometimes for things to settle and with Baine being on the big side for a 12 week old kitten Dharma is bound to feel intimidated abit, I can see him being a big cat. Another thing you can try is a pet remedy diffuser or Feliway which gives off chill pheromones to calm stressful, nervous situations. I have one for our Blue as he went through a bit of loopy stage when we had an un-neutered tom cat coming around, he became really nasty and attacked me quite a few times as he could smell the visitor who used to spray outside and thought I was the intruder I think. I do think Baine may need neutering which will be a good thing all round.  ;D

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2013, 17:38:28 PM »
Dharma still isnt a fan, Baine still keeps following her about. I think Dharma feels like she is running out of hiding places as Baine is in most of them.

We have a trip to the vets with Baine tomorrow to vaccinate and discuss neutering and chipping

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2013, 21:55:09 PM »
That's certainly progress! You're doing a fantastic job, keep it up.  :Luv2:

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2013, 19:34:34 PM »
That looks promising!

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2013, 19:19:19 PM »
Progress is being made

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2013, 17:05:28 PM »
Bless little Dharma for retreating....I'm glad you liked my phrasing, I didn't really know what else to call them...Ha Ha. With Baine having visible conkers, it may be wise just to have a quick check up at the vets just in case he is ready as it will calm him down a bit and will help Dharma feel less intimidated as she will sense that he is un-neutered.  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2013, 16:59:19 PM »
Today baine has had run of the place since we've been in all day. Dharma still isn't impressed but its still just hissing and growling, nothing more. She had retreated to one of the bedrooms and having a snooze in there as she normally would

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2013, 16:53:00 PM »
Lol at the choice of words. I see the conkers but nothing else.
My friend said he was 7 weeks when she got him and he was teacup sized then (I saw him the day after he came home)

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2013, 16:05:56 PM »
Dharma is certainly miffed and Baine looks a proper little monkey. He looks quite big for 12 weeks on the photo. Are you sure he isn't older?  This could be a possible cause of his interest in Dharma as he may be reaching maturity and needs neutering. Can you see any little conkers or his wee smelly?  :hug:
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 16:08:04 PM by DottyyBB »

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2013, 22:31:24 PM »
Glad I posted that picture, a lot of info there I hadn't even considered!
She goes out at night so they are separated, another go tomorrow:)

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2013, 19:31:44 PM »
Ah yes, the ears back is a difficult one. She's clearly VERY uncomfortable with him being near her.
However her body language is not really aggressive, she's pretty irritated, but not half as irritated as she is nervous.
She seems to lack confidence in herself, and feels as though she's being threatened in her household.

Trouble with kittens is that they REALLY don't read or display body language well at all!
This is what they learn through other cats as they grow up, and as they become adults.
In this picture, the fact that he is facing her front on and staring is quite intimidating to her,
that and he is sat between her and a member of her family, your boy.
Try not to let your children (or yourself) be behind the newcomer, because this will be threatening to her.
But also not behind her, because she may feel that you also don't like this newcomer, and may lash out at him.
Try to remain on mutual ground, not favouring either cat.
When she calms down, you can begin to show her some great positive attention.

He's very curious isn't he! Not very bright though, bless him.  :doh:
Persevere! It will be a bit iffy for a while, but see how it goes.
Don't forget to separate them tonight!
As mentioned somewhere in the thread, try feeding them breakfast in the same room, but on opposite sides.

Give it time. Go about your business in the room as normal.
I wish you the very best of luck!
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 19:48:01 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2013, 18:57:11 PM »

Piccie update lol
Dharma has her ears back? She still growls but she is somewhat tolerating bane at this distance, just if he goes closer she really doesn't like

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2013, 17:28:34 PM »
My eldest son is doing a good job with helping with playtime lol.
Baine has been out and Dharm is sleeping in the kids bedroom, I'm assuming having a sulk though baine keeps tryi to go into that room

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2013, 17:25:32 PM »
As Dottyy said, day 2 without a fight is a good sign.  :)
Just going to take time. Remember to provide play for him, agitated kittens are the MOST annoying.

And thank you Dottyy, i do love Maus :)

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2013, 16:21:27 PM »
I will do, thank you for your help :)

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2013, 16:20:00 PM »
I think I prefer Greg as Baine was the baddie :naughty: in the latest batman film. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: or maybe your friend knows something you don't... :rofl: :rofl: Day 2 and no major scraps, you're on the right path......Good luck and keep us updated with their progress... :Luv: :Luv:

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2013, 16:11:08 PM »
Today is day two so I know it's still very early days.
Nope not me lol, baine was his given name by my friend and we kept it as she still visits every week and I didn't feel right to change it.....or he would have been Greg (dharma and Greg)


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