I think whatever company you go with premiums for older cats are astronomical compared to younger ones - that's not just an oddity with Axa - obviously older cats cost them more so it's all about risk, they are in the business of making money after all
I've been with them five years now and overall would recommend them. I've had a fair few claims with Riley (ironically the biggest, strongest one as Lu is definitely the r u n t of the litter but don't tell him I said so!
) and it hasn't affected the premiums up until now - fingers crossed it stays that way! They are sometimes slow to pay out but the last claim came through very quickly if I remember rightly.
Either way they are the best price for what is very good cover and I am now in the position that I'm stuck with them come what may as I have claimed for both boys over the years so would be classed as pre-existing conditions if I went elsewhere. Just out of interest PetPlan quoted £13.71 per cat for the same cover as Axa's £8.69 (7k per year, covered for life).
Edit: Just remembered my last claim was for a grass swallowing incident resulting in Riley collapsing and struggling to breathe and me rushing him to vets now on a Sunday... £250 for him to chuck up the grass blade as we walk through the surgery doors
That was defo last year and I didn't claim for Lu at all last year so I wonder if there is a threshold for next years premiums to rise as a result of claims. My renewals were April 2013 which post-dates Rosella's experience and like I say both premiums went up by the same amount (pennies) despite having claimed for Riley and not Lu