Author Topic: Poor bella, so angry  (Read 2142 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2013, 11:03:25 AM »

That sounds very encouraging, and hope that it doesnt have to go any furtehr for the owners to realise they could lose their dogs if they dont control them in the way they should.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2013, 10:56:00 AM »
glad they are taking it seriously

Offline girlinleeds

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2013, 10:50:30 AM »
forgot to update, the dog warden came round on thursday and we had a chat. he saw where bella was laid and said its not fair she should be safe to sunbathe in our enclosed garden. he'd been to see the dogs owners but they weren't in so he left a card asking them to phone and that he'd send them some strongly worded letters telling them to keep them under control. he also said hes going to keep coming back to this area and if he sees them out take them to the kennels to scare the owners into doing something about keeping them in. i said i know dogs chase cats and he said rubbish if a dog is under control they shouldnt be able to chase cats and as bella is so tiny they could have killed her very easily and he dosent want that to happen. he also said if it happens again to let them know as the more evidence they get the more they can do. felt positive  afterwards that he did see it as an issue, fingers crossed they keep the dogs under control

Offline girlinleeds

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2013, 21:26:53 PM »
the dog warden is apparently investigating this, am hoping i hear something tomorrow as they said in their last email i should hear within three working days

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2013, 09:26:49 AM »

Assuming there's a tree handy.  Unfortunately I know of cats that have been killed  by one dog - my stepdaughter witnessed such an incident outside her own home, when her neighbour's cat was attacked and fatally injured.  Not a chance I'd be comfortable to take if it can be avoided.   :(

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2013, 09:21:00 AM »
Could you record their activities using a camcorder or webcam? This may help the dog warden. Are the dogs a breed like American Pit Bulls which should be muzzled? I'm supposing not from your description of them as little yappy dogs.

It might be wise to keep Bella in until this is sorted out. Two dogs could kill a cat. A single dog would never catch a cat as she could run up a tree.
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Offline maryas

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2013, 13:28:25 PM »
Poor little Bella. So annoying that they jumped over your gate.  If it was my dog that had done that I would be so annoyed with myself for letting them do it.

We know it's natural for some dogs to want to chase cats and for cats to chase birds but everyone knows that dogs shouldn't be loose like that.  I mean, how would they feel if you had a bigger dog than theirs and it jumped in their garden and frightened their dogs?

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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2013, 09:32:52 AM »

I think I would, just to be on the safe side.  It might help if you can manage to get pictures of the dogs on the loose at any time too.   Am a huge dog lover, but they need to be under control and properly looked after.  Doesnt sound like these two are.  When you bear in mind the recent case of the man mauled to death in his own back garden after his neighbour's dogs attacked, you can't afford to be too careful.   :hug:

Offline girlinleeds

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2013, 09:24:37 AM »
Ive emailed the dog warden, dh said the dogs were out the other day and tried to get her but he was there to stop them. Shes out in the garden with me at the moment but is very nervous tempted to shut her inside when we go out later

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2013, 07:24:15 AM »

Poor Bella.   It must have been terrifying for you both.  I experienced something similar once when Paddy was pursued by a dog visiting our neighbour.  The dog nearly had him, but our dog intercepted it, and a dog fight ensued in which I was also bitten.   Because of the diversion our dog created, Paddy was able to get away to safety, but we all received a bad fright, including the dog's owner who was apologetic (but who knew nontheless of the dog's propensity to chase cats and yet still refused to muzzle the dog when it was out in public)

I know how difficult this can be, but I think given that the dogs have a history of getting out, I would be looking to bring this to the attention of the Dog Warden, rather than approach your neighbour direct - if you do the approach your neighbour, and subsequently have cause to go to the Council, they're more likely to suspect you of reporting it, and that could result in more unpleasantness for you.   :hug: :hug:

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2013, 23:59:00 PM »
Oh, poor Bella! Do you have a dog warden in your area? Maybe worth a word?

Offline lau200

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2013, 22:30:02 PM »
I would explain to the owners that the dogs are able to escape, which means they could be hit by cars, dognapped etc as some people think it is acceptable for dogs to chase cats. Hope she's ok  :hug:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2013, 22:27:13 PM »
Poor little thing, thank God you were there  :hug: Are the owners approachable? Could you have a word with them about making their own garden secure so the dogs can't get out in future?

Gentle headkisses to poor Bella :care:

Offline girlinleeds

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Poor bella, so angry
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2013, 19:23:07 PM »
Theres a couple of little yappy dogs that live a few houses down, there always getting out of their garden and causing trouble. Bella was sat in our front garden when i heard a load of barking and her scream/cry so jumped up and they were in the garden after her. Dh heard me scream as he'd just gone out and came running back and the dogs went out past him and bella shot under the hedge and out onto the street in front of the house. I went running out and couldnt see the dogs so shouted her and she ran up to me, she had dog slobber all over her back. had a good check over her and cant see any injuries but shes terrified, curled up next to me im so angry with the dog owners. i know there is a risk from dogs as she goes out but we've tried to make our garden safe so she can relax in it, we have fences all round but they must have jumped the back gate as it's only small. its really scared me so dread to think how she's feeling  >:(


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