My sister's handsome ginger & white cat who is only 7 went to the vets this week for a problem with his bottom teeth. Had an op yesterday and a lot of his bottom teeth removed but when they cut open his gums, they said he has a very aggressive tumour that has eaten quite a lot of his jaw

but will only be 100% certain with biopsies. The vet suggested putting him to sleep while he was under anaesthetic. My sister said no, she wanted to bring him home. They have sent some samples off for biopsy, so she is awaiting the results. he has his gums stitched up, on Metacam and antibiotics but he seems fine, has not stopped eating, even rugby tackling his sister and scoffing her food as well!

Years ago I had a rabbit that got an infected toe and the infection ate away all the bone in his toe and halfway up his leg. Am hoping that its just a massive infection that has done it, and not a tumour

. back to the vets monday for his check up.