Can't even begin to say how grateful I am for all the replies guys, thank you.
@Tan and Kay - Where would I get cleaners like that from? Can't see them in my local supermarket or pet shop. Are they a mail order job?
@Alison and lolly - I'm less bothered about it going on the laminate to be honest as that's easy to clean, it's the fact that when he goes outside of the tray, he doesn't bury it, so it stinks!
@Kay - thanks, I always thought I was meant to keep it reasonably shallow to avoid offputting them, so maybe I've not been helping myself!
@Susanne - Yes, tried that, also tried covering the whole area with trays! He'll do one of two things - either he'll just poo somewhere close to it, or he'll try to "dig" through the laminate floor (moving the trays in the process), and then just poo there anyways!
I think this weekend is going to herald some new trays, new litter (I'll probably try Sainsburys basic clumping as it's cheap, and I always like to start from the cheapest!), and a cleaning solution. Oh, and maybe a nosepeg for me from now on!