Author Topic: Six Missing Cats!  (Read 2444 times)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2013, 22:53:01 PM »
Milo and Louis are probably just playing and this may just be a phase. Playing da bird with them will channel their energies into chasing that instead of eachother.

It's easier to say than to do, but worrying about what MIGHT happen to them will turn you into a gibbering wreck. Personally, I think that indoor/outdoor cats have better, though more risky, lives than indoor-only. That's why I let my cats go out.

A friend of mine has a halfway method: she lets her cats out for half an hour before going to work, then gets them in for breakfast. Then she lets them out for a few hours after work, getting them in for supper and overnight. She manages to control their movements by only feeding them for a short window of time, so if they don't come in to be fed, they don't have any food. So they always come in when she calls.

If you're worried about your cats, you could try her method.
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Offline Laurensimm

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Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2013, 22:39:57 PM »
No I'd never heard of da bird until I joined this site/forum but ill look into that. My problem really is milo trying to be the dominant cat and chasing Louis off! Having a nightmare with that one.

I'm glad your situation seems to be easing. I love it when my cats are in and I know they are safe 😺😻

I was going to have them as house cars initially - I've had them since they were 8 weeks old - but I thought it was cruel as I work and they would be stuck in the same house every single day. I know the indoor or outdoor cat is a hot topic though!

I'm do sad - I love my two boys sooo much and it would kill me if anything happened to either of them and I just want them both to he happy and healthy.

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2013, 22:26:02 PM »
I suppose that some cats are more adventurous than others, even between siblings. My cats have slowly begun to come home more.

Have you got 'Da Bird'? They sell it in the Purrs shop. It's really helping to keep my cats at home. They love playing with it so much that it wears them out, so they spend more time sleeping. It's also helping to forge a closer bond with my ex-ferals and would reinforce the bond between you and your cats.

It's very worrying when they don't come home. I know that I start to imagine all kinds of things. When winter comes, you'll probably wish they'd go out more.  :hug:
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Offline Laurensimm

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Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2013, 18:07:23 PM »
My Louis is staying out a lot more and he's taking shelter in some hedges in the road behind mine so I thought he had moved out because I was having to go and fetch him everyday. However, it was a bit cooler yesterday and he came back in his own so I'm hoping its just the weather. I've come home just now and he is no where to be seen so I hope he's in the hedge.

I know what you mean with the weather; I was hoping for cooler weather too so Lou would come back! Glad its not just me!

The thing is lou's brother milo is 99% of the time on the back yards so I don't understand why Lou can't do that? It stressed me out not knowing if he is safe, which is why I keep going and fetching him!

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2013, 08:49:42 AM »
I'm fairly anti dry cat food and give this only as a treat and I refuse to cook meat for them.

 Games of Da Bird seem to be helping; I'll have to buy more feathers soon!

It won't be long before I move; then they'll be kept in the new house for 6 weeks to 2 months, during which time I'll spend more time bonding with them.

I've seen Cyd occasionally. I think he's enjoying the weather. George brought a mouse in the other evening! So the warm nights may be enticing them to stay out and hunt.

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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2013, 18:12:53 PM »
Maybe a better dry food would be good especially when there are flies around and mine are not eating that much wet at present.

If it is warm where you are then would try leaving dry food down and a pouch during the night.

Packs of economy chicken at Tescos are fairly good but mine are a bit fussy lol..............dont like economy but do like larger packs of so called wafer thin ham...........seems normal thickness to me!

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2013, 00:15:40 AM »
I feed them various food, from Kitecat, Whiskas (Supermeat, Jelly and Gravy) to lesser known brands like Butchers. They won't eat own brands or Felix.

They pick at the food, then walk away. There are lots of flies around now so I don't like putting down too much in one go. Fred always "buries" remaining food under a sheet of newspaper. I put their dishes on newspaper because they don't keep the food on the dishes.

So they get a fair variety. And I also give them dry food, but not often.
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Offline sheilarose

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2013, 21:33:03 PM »
What canned food are you feeding them? It may be simply down to boredom, if they're tired of the food they will look further afield. My lot all prefer dry food but like one pouch each per day, which is easier in this hot weather.

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2013, 21:21:18 PM »
Thank you for all the help.

I've been playing Da Bird with them when I can catch them in, which they love, and will continue doing this regularly. I've noticed that they're not eating much: only one can a day between six  :shocked: So they must be eating elsewhere.

I make take your advice, Sheila, and go to the local butcher's to get them some cooked sliced chicken/turkey. I used to get this for Polly and Samantha when they were ill. They went crazy for it. Going into the butcher's shop is a bit like entering a nest of vampires: I feel like I need to take a huge crucifix or ankh to ward off the evil! Maybe I'll buy a custard cake when I'm there. He no longer sells cream cakes.

I keep hoping we'll have a heavy downpour, but the forecast is still fine except for the occasional drizzle.

Cyd actually came in last night for food, saw me, then went out again without eating. I haven't done anything to offend him, nothing I can think of anyway.

Pebbles has just come through the cat flap, so I'll go and play Da Bird.
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Offline sheilarose

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2013, 20:54:20 PM »
Food is the key to furry hearts, we use cooked chicken as treats which is cheap and effective weapon. OK its not exactly good for them but does the trick. As a veggie though you'd perhaps be better trying some pre-packed treats to win their hearts. Dreamies are popular here as are the stick treats from Aldi or Tescos

When they are about try being somewhat entertaining by offering play with pingpong balls, wand toys and catnip huggers. A little investment in time should reap rewards. My gang also respond to talking and singing. However, even with 7 cats we still find ourselves alone sometimes, and have to accept that sometimes they are happy to be left alone.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2013, 08:24:58 AM »
I'm a cat cuddler as well, mostly socialising kittens but also giving the olders ones a comb and a stroke so they keep their people skills current!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2013, 18:49:51 PM »
I also did cat cuddling at CP Croydon and so many lovely cats. One imparticular who was very shy and scared and did think of taking him with me when I moved.

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2013, 18:19:17 PM »
Yes I used to be a cat cuddler. There were far to many cats for me to cuddle in one day though. It was very nice some of the cats were very cuddly.

I must say I wish mine were a bit less cuddly at the moment. I've just started a new job and it's been very busy the first couple of week and Buffy has been wanting a cuddle at 4 o'clock as well as her usual one about 7.30. She's so lovely I can't ignore her but it usually involves her getting under the covers. So I get a very interrupted nights sleep especially when you take into account the cat racing that goes on usually about 12 ish.  :catplay2:   

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2013, 14:28:11 PM »
Do shelters have volunteer posts for "cat cuddlers"? If so, this sounds like a good idea. I know dogs' homes need walkers, but "cat cuddlers"?

Thank you for replying.
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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2013, 13:41:55 PM »
No advice to give i'm afraid, just a  :hug:  I'm sure your cats love you in just the same way as those who show it more outwardly - it's just the way they were raised with limited human contact at the start of their lives means they don't show it in the same way as more domesticated cats  :hug:

I know this might sound mad as you have six cats of your own but how about volunteering at a local cat shelter so those that actively want cuddles and want to give cuddles in return can benefit?

Offline Hippykitty

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Six Missing Cats!
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 21:33:00 PM »
I have six ex-feral cats. Fred and his sister Victoria happily let me fuss them; Lucy has started to tolerate the occasional stroke, but her three sons Cydric, Pebbles and George jump and run off if I try to touch them. I've included this as info which may help with understanding my problem.

Lately, I've been clearing out lots of things prior to moving house and of course the weather has improved, both things likely to induce my cats to spend more time outside. But this has got to the point where I hardly ever see them. Some of them come in at meal times, but not Cydric, ever. I know he's alright because I've seen him in one of my neighbour's gardens. Most of the houses by me are empty due to the students having gone home for the summer, but one of the remaining owner-occupiers has a cat and says that sometimes my cats get in through her bathroom window - she doesn't have a flap - and pinch food she puts out for her own cat.

I'm vegetarian, so my cats are only given tinned cat food; on the other hand, my neighbour gives her cat left-overs of meat she's cooked for herself. So my cats may be "eating out". Plus, they could be hunting. The only ones who are almost guaranteed to turn up at home for food are Fred, Victoria and Lucy. Lucy's boy's may or may not turn up, except for Cyd, who has "left home".

Last night, I was watching a youtube book-review video in which the reviewer had an affectionate cat who kept soliciting fuss from her. It made me feel so lonely for my cats. I rang a friend and half-jokingly asked for a black and white affectionate domestic cat of six months plus for my upcoming birthday. He just told me to go and find my cats. I found Fred and Lucy.

I feel as though I don't have cats and I'm someone who desperately needs moggies in my life. The only time, since I was born, that I've been catless, was when I was at uni.

Any ideas would be welcome. Thanks.
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