
I couldn't see no and ne we've not had dogs in before. Steve had just left for work and I could hear some loud noise outside and had a strange feeling a dog had got in the feral hut because when it's cats fighting you hear them vocally, so to get in it the hole it was quite a small dog. I diddn't know what to do I just ran out and kicked at the hut and shouted and they did come out and I saw a smallish shorthaired black dog after Rudolf, I then ran back inside because I was scared myself. I went out to the front to see if I could see anyone to help, whilst I was ringing Steve, because his unit is only 5 mins from home. I went back inside and the dog was dragging Rudolf on the lawn. I went round to see my neighbour and to warn her because she has 3 cats and Steve went into the allotments to see if he could see anyone. He saw the younger lad further back in the allotment who has the donkey and 3 dogs. Steve asked if he'd seen a black dog and explained what had happened and he said I have a black dog and 2 others but they are up there chained up, unless I walk them otherwise they would get my geese so it's not mine but he said he would look out. So we went out later to make the 2 holes in the fence as small as we can and I looked where the dogs were tied up, with my binoculars but the black one looked a bit wiry haired and had some grey on it's face. My neighbour also said earlier that the one from the allotments got in her garden once, so she made her holes smaller but she said it was a terrier type, and I don't think this one was, I described him from what a could see as a small labrador but it would have been too small to be one unless it was young and they are quite gentle dogs I think. It's obviously someone letting their dog roam but there's an estate down the field and one the other side of the allotment so it could have come from either of them. I just feel awful that I couldn't help Rudolf

he's been with us 11 years now. The trouble is they've always slept in the allotments somewhere, (or in our hut sometimes) and we can't stop them going in there because there will be lots of other ways they can get in, even jump over the high fences. I just hope they keep themselves safe and the chap Steve spoke to finds out whose dog it is and lets them know.