Jules here,
I've not been on this forum for ageees
Great to see you are all cat chatting, but as you know I'm always talking cars with the 'men'
Anyways, I saw a thread on a 'car' forum earlier which upset me a tad......somebody was trying to offload two Bengals
and It made me think of my posts here before we got the 'boys'
So, a quick update.
Teoh and Howard have, quite frankly, become the best cats I've ever lived with. Gobby as all Bengals are, but now I know what they are 'talking' about they really have become members of the family and I would never ever live without them
God knows why I ever considered living with Teoh on his own....the two are now completely inseparable
Lapcat update?
Teoh is...most defintely....not on the lap but every night he snuggles behind debs on the sofa for hours on end:-
However, he tells me off if I get near his(my) wife.......look at his face lol
The terrible twosome:-
Hope you are al keeping well