Author Topic: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity  (Read 5323 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2012, 19:21:40 PM »
Wow you are 6 votes in the lead, keep on going  ;D

Offline elainemaul

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2012, 19:17:34 PM »
I just remembered that I really aught to post about the competition in the main forum just in case anyone didn't pick up about it here :)

I've been so busy spamming all over the place that I've forgotten what I have and haven't done :(

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2012, 02:26:39 AM »
Voted too .

Offline Rosella moggy

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Offline Liz

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2012, 16:52:10 PM »
We have some former feral kittens all tamed down and a lot of adults who we work on some do tame down and a lot of ours are now indoor/outdoor and are in every night, we have some after several years who are still work in progress and out latest 3 came from a CP branch Miss maddison is a feisty 3 legged gal and we were her last best hope and when we wnet to pick her up we came home with a Mother and son combo Annie and Lennox, Lennox is 6 short months is a purrpot who adores me and tolerates my husband, Maddison and Annie are work in progress and Blue and Ace ferals hate us but neither left so are indoor cats
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2012, 12:14:28 PM »
Hi Elaine,  :welcome: to Purrs  :) . Have been and voted for you on facebook, fingers crossed you win  ;D Flossie and Minstrel are  :Luv: :Luv2:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2012, 12:04:20 PM »
Voted and Sam Mewl is Haworth.

I think they have made it harder to vote than in the begiining.

You need to do loads of work to get those votes in, good luck  ;D

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2012, 23:15:25 PM »

 - Sunny Harbour (madkittyrescue on Purrs) and Haworth Cat rescue (SamMewl on Purrs) who were lucky enough to have won this prize in the recent past - it may be worth sending them a message via here or facebook to see if they have any tips on how to increase your online votes  ;D

Hi Again Tiggy's Mum,
In actual fact, someone else in the Scratching Post previously linked up with Sunny harbour ...... we all voted for them when they were up for the prize and they are voting for us this time :)
I will have to track down Haworth Cat Rescue.

So far, I've been a spammer (almost!) posting just about anywhere and everywhere to try and get votes!

Flossie & Minstrel are just :drool;  :Luv:

I know both Sunny Harbour and Haworth cat rescue did brilliantly to get so many votes, think it was something like 2000+ votes in the end  :Crazy: The prize is such a fab amount that it's well worth putting the effort in with as many forums/cat related websites as possible. I'm not on twitter myself but if you can get a fairly famous cat lover to post your link that could be a route to a large number of votes if their followers vote for you.

Offline elainemaul

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2012, 23:10:26 PM »
Minstrel is like our Tuxedo boys feral Dallas and former feral Oscar and I have a lot of torties my Calico girls Amber and Miami, my brindle girls = Baby Gorgeous my longhaired baby the only survivor from a rescue Mum and her litter who had FIP and the only kitten born in our home and having fought to survive her daddy said she is here forever, Miss Xian and Miss Sherbet and my Hills lookalike peach and grey tortie Miss Pagan my feral Halloween baby the one nobody wanted who came to be a playmate for baby Charlie who came with badly damaged legs and my white baby master Echo Beach with a heart murmer and trio of hooligans

All mine are rescues and I still foster and tame feral kittens in my spare time have done 2 who are homed and currently have Jasper and Ollie who are 17 weeks old and still look like 10 week old kittens and have caused me some tears when they go on hunger strike or need rushed to the vets with high temps we know something isn't quite right with these 2 so they are currently technically staying and will become Clan kittens for a bit longer :shocked:

Blimey Liz! You have spare time :)

What I like about The Scratching Post is that they never put a cat down unless it's really ill. They have a feral unit for cats that they don't think could be pets ...... but always on the lookout for anyone with stables etc who will offer them homes. Out of interest ..... how do you approach taming a feral? Or it this something you only try at the kitten stage? Although I've always had cats and love all cats  (you know the type ... I always have to stroke a cat I see etc) I'm still 'green' when it comes to 'difficult' cats as all the cats I've ever had or known have been 'easy'. if you know what I mean! It's been great gradually getting to know different cats ...... although their stories would often break your heart!

Offline elainemaul

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2012, 22:57:01 PM »

 - Sunny Harbour (madkittyrescue on Purrs) and Haworth Cat rescue (SamMewl on Purrs) who were lucky enough to have won this prize in the recent past - it may be worth sending them a message via here or facebook to see if they have any tips on how to increase your online votes  ;D

Hi Again Tiggy's Mum,
In actual fact, someone else in the Scratching Post previously linked up with Sunny harbour ...... we all voted for them when they were up for the prize and they are voting for us this time :)
I will have to track down Haworth Cat Rescue.

So far, I've been a spammer (almost!) posting just about anywhere and everywhere to try and get votes!

Offline Liz

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2012, 22:55:25 PM »
Minstrel is like our Tuxedo boys feral Dallas and former feral Oscar and I have a lot of torties my Calico girls Amber and Miami, my brindle girls = Baby Gorgeous my longhaired baby the only survivor from a rescue Mum and her litter who had FIP and the only kitten born in our home and having fought to survive her daddy said she is here forever, Miss Xian and Miss Sherbet and my Hills lookalike peach and grey tortie Miss Pagan my feral Halloween baby the one nobody wanted who came to be a playmate for baby Charlie who came with badly damaged legs and my white baby master Echo Beach with a heart murmer and trio of hooligans

All mine are rescues and I still foster and tame feral kittens in my spare time have done 2 who are homed and currently have Jasper and Ollie who are 17 weeks old and still look like 10 week old kittens and have caused me some tears when they go on hunger strike or need rushed to the vets with high temps we know something isn't quite right with these 2 so they are currently technically staying and will become Clan kittens for a bit longer :shocked:
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline elainemaul

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2012, 22:44:25 PM »
That's good ..... that worked :)

As you can see, both are slightly long haired. They both follow me round all the time :) I have often jokingly said that in a previous age, I'm sure I would have been accused of being a witch 'cos whereever I am, they are not far behind!

Flossie is the eternal kitten, always checking out whether things can be played with. Very vocal and her party piece is having a 'chat' with you. Minstrel is a more laid back chap; he has relaxing down to a fine art! He doesn't miaow much, but when he does, it would break your heart :)

Offline elainemaul

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2012, 22:37:34 PM »
Wow Liz ..... you do have a housefull !! :)

I'm assuming I can show you photos of my two by using the 'Attach' bit ...... here's hoping it works!

The tortie is Flossie and the Tuxedo black and white is Minstrel

Offline Yvonne

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2012, 22:33:39 PM »
hi Elaine and   :welcome:  to Purrs

I will go on Facebook and vote   :hug:
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Offline Liz

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2012, 22:27:54 PM »
 :welcome: from the Clan cats and their pets the Clan dogs Sky, Sunny and Mistral - I have the most cats on here :shocked: a mixture of our beloved ferals from nice to nasty, my wonderful domestics and my 4 pedigrees my Physco rescue Bengal Porsche who was a PTS case as she was in the words of a national charity unhomeable she is still flighty but is gorgeous, my Ragdolls Miss Minmin and Master Casper and my beloved Svartleheim Starlight Express aka Starrykins a huge Nowegian Forest boy - his Other Mum Lottie is his breeder and he came back to her at a very bad time in an awful condition but after a year is gorgeous.  I also have one of Sunny Harbours babies Miss Gigi Skye so am boased towards Sarah she is wonderful and can give lots of hints for posting

Have duly voted for you ;D

Our dogs say they have voted for the cats they know how to have an eay life :rofl:
« Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 22:28:43 PM by Liz »
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline elainemaul

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2012, 22:24:06 PM »
Hi Tiggy's Mum,
Yes, it is! And I really am hoping that lots of people here will be willing to vote for us :)

Having read the rules, I didn't want to blot my copy book by posting about it without checking if it was OK first!
At the moment, we're being pipped into 2nd place by a Staffie charity. Now ...... although I love all animals really ....... being beaten by a dog charity just isn't on, is it    :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

I volunteer at The Scratching Post one morning a week and I love it! To be honest, I could quite easily take several home, but although Flossie in particular loves people and she gets on well with her brother (apart ftom the odd spat!), she really hates other cats so I have to make do with fussing the cats when I'm there!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2012, 22:10:18 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs Elaine

I'm guessing the competition is the Animal Friends facebook competition - if so the link is here: I have just voted for you  ;D

We have a couple of rescues on here - Sunny Harbour (madkittyrescue on Purrs) and Haworth Cat rescue (SamMewl on Purrs) who were lucky enough to have won this prize in the recent past - it may be worth sending them a message via here or facebook to see if they have any tips on how to increase your online votes  ;D

Look forward to hearing more about the rescue you volunteer with, and Flossie and Minstrel -  hope you stick around  :)

Offline elainemaul

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Newbie from The Scratching Post Cat Rescue Charity
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 22:00:29 PM »
My name is Elaine and I have just joined :)

I am a volunteer at a Cat Rescue Charity called The Scratching Post in the Cheshunt/Waltham Abbey/Enfield area in North London/Herts/Essex. Their website is at

Probably like everyone else here who is involved with a Cat Rescue Charity, we're always looking for ways to raise money!! :)

I must admit that I have specifically searched you out and joined because we are currently in a competition this month to win £5000. It just involves people voting for us on Facebook, but I have sent a message to one of the staff first to see if it is OK that I post about that :)

I am 'owned' by Flossie and Minstrel; sister and brother who came from the Scratching Post almost 6 years ago as 4 month old kittens. They are the nicest natured cats I have ever had and we love them to bits :)

Having had a brief look round, this forum looks wonderful :)


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