Oh they sound adorable, and given what they've been through to come out still fighting for attention shows what lovely cats they must be.
So far I have 2 possible options, not ideal options but options none the less. As a last resort my Dad said he would look after them until we are sorted however this would be far from ideal as he has 2 (large) dogs so the cats would have to be kept very separate possibly with day time being outside in a barn (next to 2 horses). If the cats were hardy and used to being outside this would be an idyllic life as they live in the middle of nowhere- no traffic etc, if it were summertime I would fee like this could be a good option however given the time of year I am not sure if you feel it wouldn't be fair?
The 2nd option is another farm, but would be able to spend more time inside. I am pleading with my Cousin who owns the farm, and farm shop and have offered to pay and buy everything they need until we could home them.
I am also not sure if you would be happy for them to live somewhere and then be moved in a few months, so I may be asking about things that aren't wanted!
I have also asked everyone to put the feelers out to ask if someone is looking for 2 cats. Both my parents live in the countryside so I am really hoping someone will want them. I so so wish we were already moved in.