Just thought I'd update... Little old Edders has had her op and is fine
She was a bit norty with the vet, and after her triple jab, she flirted and when Helena (vet) who moved to the kennel bars. A soon as she did this and was within range, Edna put her paw through and swiped
It was sooo funny - I got her into the kennel this morning, and she was paddling and purring and shaking her tail (she only ever purrs!) as if to say "But, I'm being all cute and good mum, and I promise I'll behave if you take me home without the op"!! Within 10-minutes of waking up, I carried her back to the kennel and she was back to hissing and growling
She is now on hunger strike until I collect her (in about an hour) the norty lump was off in minutes and the wound stitched up nicely (sub cuts as nobody is brave enough to try and take stitches out of Edna!!) Her anaesthetic was a dream, so I'm a happy mum
Thanks for all your good thoughts...
Have attached some pics of us having a play session last night... a strip of waste paper and she was all over the place pouncing on it...
She was NOT impressed with the pom-pom ball, nor with the fact that she was not allowed supper!!!
Liz & Edders xx