Had a stressful day yesterday being a furbaby parents! We went to the vets with Jess I took half a days holiday but Hubby couldn’t so I had to take him on my own! I got home and managed to get him in the box not that he was too amused by it at all, but he didn’t bite or scratch me! We got to the vets and my arms were aching I didn’t realise that he was so heavy to carry, walked though the door and there was an elderly lady with a greyhound, I put Jess down and straight away she said is that a cat and before I knew it the dog was at the box having a go at it! I put myself in between them but the woman couldn’t calm the dog down! Then they were called to see the vet but the vet actually had to come and get the dog!
Poor Jess was shaking like a leaf I felt really awful for him as his quite nervous anyway! When the greyhound lady came out another lady had arrived with a cat and this time the monster got his teeth in the bars but the feisty little cat was having a go back and it ended up with blood on the floor! The vet called us but I said there was no way I am walking past the dog with Jess so the vet came and got him!
Poor Jess has an infection so he had an injection (dexadreson) and he has tablets (metronidazole) to take, the vet wanted me to starve him but we got 4 sachets of prescription food (walth chicken and rice) instead but he doesn’t like it! If he is no better by Thursday then he has to go back and have some tests
So the poor little thing has been through it really, he was quite clingy last night and unhappy (worse than he was before we went to the vets). This morning we gave Jess the tablet and he was really good and let us out it in his mouth but today we have shut him in the hallway and kitchen because he won’t eat I am worried he might scratch the sofa’s as he isn't getting his own way
. I am going to leave work at 4pm today so I’ll get home an hour earlier at least, I can't wait to see him.