Hi Gill,
Havent been on for a while and look whats happened! Little Lupin the escape artist!
Unfortunately it does happen when walking them that they dream of the great outdoors - thankfully Peanut was always to be a "its up to you in or out" cat but then i live in what seems a more secure place now than yourself.
Peanut is however a night cat (i prefer that) and returns home 6.30am prompt crying to come in. When we are not at work he doesnt venture out of the garden during the day and usually spends it asleep.
What i do find encouraging about Lupin is the fact he was there when you opened the door and that his sudden bid for freedom, really, didnt take him as far as he thought his braveness would.
Tazi was a clever lad too and an expert at escaping and although an outdoor cat when we have moved and my attempts at keeping him in for 2 weeks dwindled down to just 3hrs on our last move. Each move reducing as i knew my keeping him in has even led to a swift bunk out of the bedroom window (a top opening window in about 2cm latch
) I learnt quickly that chasing/following him and any attempts to grab him just made him run off and he often had me in a panic - so i know why you feel like you do with Lupin and the roads etc...
The last move (gawd - i sound like a gypsy traveller lol) Tazi escaped as usual and that time i didnt react. He slumped on the front lawn watching us move boxes and just followed us back into the house when his belly commanded food. All said, Tazi's smartness led to a very street wise cat. He was my baby indoors but a very alert, sensible cat outdoors.
I just hope Lupin proves the same should he escape again x but should it happen again then perhaps the "none" reaction approach may save many a scratch and stress for you. He'll more then likely plod back in of his own accord (usually for food
It is very hard with cats all requiring different levels of support and care from you and Sasa has had your stress levels up - but thankfully now seems to have settled back into the home environment quite well.
But DO keep on top of your own health issues too! we're concerned friends and you need to be as fit as you can be cos the cats all need you
Also, do get ask for help with your fence - it may be the stress relief you are looking for? It doesnt mean you're "giving up" or anything it just means fence panels are too much for you these days. I'm 36 and i cant decorate or shift things with the energy or vigor as i used to. I have bad back and am awaiting surgery for it so home DIY and swinging fence panels about are a thing of the past for me. Doesnt mean i dont give things a damn good try, but i graciously accept defeat when its needed!! you could even speak to the council who often do schemes where they use people who need work doing and with a Tutor, they use - in your case - putting up a fence as work experience for young people on training. So you'd also be giving a little back.
Anyway, which ever you decide, make sure you take care - ignore Lupin when he gets a flea up his backside and hopefully being tired out with walking (perhaps a sun bathing cage for the sunny days) he may well settle and not keep attempting to escape!!
P.S So pleased Sasa is also enjoying the sunshine but coming in too - must be such a relief