Hi it doesn't say where you live so I give you a list of pedigree cat rescues to try that are all over the UK:)
www.maine-coon-cat-club.com/rescueLONG HAIRED AND SEMI-LONGHAIRED CAT CLUB - RESCUE
Tel: 01737 353028
www.rushdenpersianrescue.co.uk Patsy runs this rescue she doesn't have any in at the moment but do still give her a call because she gets a lot of different breeds in, she has a rescue centre and so some get homed before going on her website from people visiting the centre and reserving them:)
www.thorneywoodcatrescue.webs.com Pauline runs this rescue she doesn't have any in at the moment but she does get quite a few maine coons in so worth calling her.
www.stfrancisrescue.co.uk This rescue has a 5 yr old Maine coon called Dillion in at the moment
www.poshpussrescue.org A lady called Jan runs this rescue I think she only re homes in the local area though
www.london-persian-rescue.co.ukgood luck in your search for a new furbaby.
Best wishes Kelly-joy and The Animal Lifeline UK Team:)