I know that some cats that were taken there was supposedly booked in to see a vet the next day , one had severe dental problems .
I know for a fact that the one with the bad teeth did not see a vet due to lack of funds and he died, not sure if pts , another one died due to renal failure and no idea about the 3 rd cat.
I find this totally cruel and cannot for the life of me understand why she did not take him and worry about the bill afterwards , I would have done and my vet let's me pay weekly if it's a big bill which is often the case now they are nearly all in their teens.
Also there are problems with damp and water and cold at the rescue ,which is detrimental to any cats that are being kept down there if there are any !
I can't stop thinking about it .
I have contacted the nearest CPmbut they can't get involved .