Author Topic: Red tabby persian cat missing from Harold Hill, Romford, Essex  (Read 5365 times)

Offline kelly-joy

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Red tabby persian cat missing from Harold Hill, Romford, Essex
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2011, 21:02:44 PM »
Lost when transferring into a basket, older female cat, does not know the area, please spread the word.

MISSING - RED TABBY PERSIAN CAT, this is an orange coloured cat, missing from HAROLD HILL, ROMFORD, ESSEX - lost last night whilst transferring, does not know the area and is elderly. please share and post on all your friends walls who are in that area. URGENT. Sightings - please call 07711 957837.

best wishes Kelly-joy and The Animal Lifeline UK Team:)


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