Now what do you think this could be about? The weather? The state of the economy? What I'm having for dinner?
Nope, it's none of the above

It is of course the official Purrs Christmas Auction 2011 (TM) 
Now if you haven't been around for a Purrs auction before you simply haven't lived

All members, new and old alike are welcome to join in.
You can be a buyer, donate items to the auction or both! We have lots of items donated from commercial companies and hope that, as in previous years, we will also have items donated by our very own members.
It's really simple, if you have stuff at home that you no longer have use for or perhaps were unwanted gifts that you think other like minded Purrs members may like to bid on then please consider donating it to the Purrs Xmas Auction to raise funds for cat rescue

Being a cat forum then cat stuff tends to go really well but it's not restricted to cat items, anything goes!
We do ask that members who are kind enough to donate items also cover the postage to send the items to the winners (once they've paid the dosh to Purrs), the best bit about this is that the winners pay the postage cost as well which means that the chosen rescue gets the money from the sale of the item AND the postage!
Here's an example of an auction thread from last year - just to give you an idea of how it works in practise.,35372Would you believe we raised £1801.73 last year?

Would be simply amazing to get close to that figure again

Dates for your diaries: Begins Sunday 20th November, finishes Sunday 4th December

As to the chosen rescue this year?
***Drumroll please***It is...
Coventry Cat Group

Full details of how the Auction works will be posted under a new Auction 2011 thread (under the fundraising section) including a thread for all ya questions & chattin about it soon. Will post a link to it as soon as it's up.
So hunnies take a look in all your nooks , Crannies and under ya Grannies for those items that you can put into the Auction!

The more items we get the more we can make for the darlin needy cats at Cov Cats

Everyone is very very welcome to join in, the more the merrier and the more we raise