I have known 2 cats like this and i own one of them now.
Our Family Cat (we had many, many cats & dogs lol) Tipsey, would openly come to you for affection, however, after so long she would turn and bite, sometimes scratch and then walk off. Very much like she was saying "i love it, i love it......now ur getting on my nerves"
My cat Nuggie is the same. No bad history and have owned him since 5 weeks. However, he went through a phase of constantly attacking hands and arms, sometimes quite nastily and this was quickly tamed by not allowing people to use their hands as a "toy" - rubbing them on the floor etc, dangling fingers in his face - because he started to see hands as a play/attack thing, rather than a sign of affection etc. This worked well. However, he still occasionally acts like Tipsey did, i avoid this by spotting the start of his displeasure from the fuss he is getting....tail swish, narrowing of the eyes etc and just stop stroking him all together. (telling him hes a grumpy old man) I must say though - when Nuggie was less than 2 years he was hit by a car. No life threatening damage thank goodness, but he has been a very nervous cat since, but oh so loving when he knows people x
he also does the friendly leg nipping like
the kittensmittens mentioned. I did not know this about the food! He doesnt do it often, but he'll be all dribbly from purring and fussing and then just lightly nip the leg or arm. I asked my nana & grandad who rescued and had many many cats and my grandad's theory was that as he was loved up and dribbly he probably getting himself a bit fruity and male cats nip/bite the female for mating? As my nana had 2 cats (on seperate generation/occasions) who got all dribbly and loved up and used to do the same to her? Maybe its the drugs in the food afterall! or maybe its the drugs making them fruity?
I hope you wounds heal and dont let that cat put you off!! They are very rewarding pets!! You can often read a cat and can tell what its thinking, just by the eyes. If you get Big Blinks this is friendly peaceful sign (i always blink back - goodness knows what am saying) you can tell a big snugglebum and the rescue centre will help you xxx