I let the cats out early this morning as it is a lovely day (the 2 boys), by the time I left for work (the walk to the bus stop) I saw one of them out the front of our house and the other came bounding over to me as I reachedd the top of our road, which I thought 'awww that's sweet'.
But then as I walked down the main road through our estate (modern type housing estate) I heard him following me, I picked him up and took him back to the top of our road, and walked away, but he kept following me, and I didnt look behind me either in the hope he'd go back home.
Anyway, it got to me being at the very edge of our estate near the main road which connects to it, with me on the narrow pavement and Jasper closley behind. A van came roaring by us on the road and this clearly spooked him (as he croached low all of a sudden), and then started to leg it back up the road (good I thought) though he then jumped over a 6ft fence into the house's garden (which is on the main road and the garden runs along the main road of our estate). I tried to get him as I'd decided that I'd miss my first bus at 7.15am (as it was nearly 7.10am at this point) and I'd
get the next one, but get him home and put him indoors.
As I couldnt see or hear him I got my bus and sent my husband a couple of texts - he's been down where we last saw him, but theres no sign of him. We've even got a Locator on him, but it's not picking his locator up (bloomin useless it appears to be!). My husband's said 'I'm sure he'll be alright' but I cant help but feel very worried about him, he's quite a way from home and I worry that he'll end up being lost - he's such a cutie and if he did lose his collar I know someone would take him in (not actually check if he's microchipped - which he is).
I do hope he's ok

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