Author Topic: RSPCA Fosterers  (Read 4373 times)

Offline miafey

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2011, 18:06:00 PM »
She sounds like an absolute moron, Miafey, and we wouldn't allow her to foster for us. However...

RSPCA HQ do indeed produce pro forma adoption forms and other paperwork - chargeable to the branch by the way.  :innocent: But many branches do produce their own forms independent of HQ.

There are no regular checks on welfare standards or regular outside inspection of fosterers. There are no regional managers to oversee branch operation standards. There is an Ideal, of course, but no 'legal' obligation to adopt anything HQ would like done over and above the prevention of suffering at a basic level. As each branch is a self administered and controlled separate charity, the only control RSPCA HQ has at local level is the ability to remove the RSPCA brand identity. HQ give very, very little money towards branch level work and the vast bulk of national RSPCA money pays for the Inspectors and regional large adoption centres. (although obviously if they abuse or neglect animals in their care they are subject to the same actions from RSPCA Inspectors as the rest of us...) Many of the local branches are as poor as Church mice and as we know, poor standards can follow on from having little money.  :(

I know official RSPCA fosterers who are packed to the gunnels with an many as 12 cats of their own as well as foster cats from different backgrounds. I know RSPCA catteries who hold un-vaccinated, un-blood tested cats in adjoining pens. All due to lack of money.

I have no knowledge of RSPCA Guildford or their standards.... but by and large, local branches are a very mixed bag, Miafey.  :innocent:

I certainly understand that  :(

I fully understand that it is very likely that nothing would ever happen to her after my report to the local RSPCA. There are more than one branch in the area and the lady who got my report might not even be able to identify her at all, even if she wants to.

I just feel that I must do that. She fooled us all and a lot of people were involved in the conversation and we all felt outraged when she kept eating up her words. We just wanted to show that we do care.

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2011, 17:58:16 PM »
She sounds like an absolute moron, Miafey, and we wouldn't allow her to foster for us. However...

RSPCA HQ do indeed produce pro forma adoption forms and other paperwork - chargeable to the branch by the way.  :innocent: But many branches do produce their own forms independent of HQ.

There are no regular checks on welfare standards or regular outside inspection of fosterers. There are no regional managers to oversee branch operation standards. There is an Ideal, of course, but no 'legal' obligation to adopt anything HQ would like done over and above the prevention of suffering at a basic level. As each branch is a self administered and controlled separate charity, the only control RSPCA HQ has at local level is the ability to remove the RSPCA brand identity. HQ give very, very little money towards branch level work and the vast bulk of national RSPCA money pays for the Inspectors and regional large adoption centres. (although obviously if they abuse or neglect animals in their care they are subject to the same actions from RSPCA Inspectors as the rest of us...) Many of the local branches are as poor as Church mice and as we know, poor standards can follow on from having little money.  :(

I know official RSPCA fosterers who are packed to the gunnels with an many as 12 cats of their own as well as foster cats from different backgrounds. I know RSPCA catteries who hold un-vaccinated, un-blood tested cats in adjoining pens. All due to lack of money.

I have no knowledge of RSPCA Guildford or their standards.... but by and large, local branches are a very mixed bag, Miafey.  :innocent:

Offline miafey

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2011, 17:41:58 PM »
I'm not so daft I can't pick out salient points, Gill. I left school quite some time ago.  :evillaugh:

I do believe the assumption has been made that this girl and her boyfriend were operating without the full support of their local branch. Has anyone spoken to the trustees of the local branch? Maybe the boyfriend is a trustee himself?  :shify:

Absolutely not.

We were talking to her for the whole evening last Friday and asked her what was her connection with the local RSPCA and all she revealed was that her boyfriend used to take pictures for the animals to be rehomed.

Offline miafey

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2011, 17:33:25 PM »
I have reported this to RSPCA Guildford. A lady answered my phone call and asked me to send over some of the web pages of her advertisment.

The purpose of my reporting this is to check if things have been done properly. I understand each PSPCA branch has its own policy. But I believe there are some basic rules for all RSPCA branches. I don't think any RSPCA branch could operate at its will.

If the guildline says they will homecheck their foster carers and adopters then they should do so. If proper paperwork/agreement is to be signed between the RSPCA and the fosterer/adopter then they should do this in all cases. I believe it's the least you can do to ensure the welfare of the rescued animal. Otherwise why dont you just give the animal away to anyone expressing an interest in adopting it? It'll be the quickest way to get rid of the "stock" animals - no home checking, no paperwork.

I don't have problem with fosterers (proper fosterers) receiving all supplies from the rescue. They have already made huge committments by taking care of the animals. But taking care of the animal as a fosterer and receiving supplies as a support is quite different from having the animal for her own and receiving supplies from the charity as a way to save money, isn't it?

She insisted that she was "fosterring Midi" while we asked her whey she could receive supplies from the RSPCA. But 2 hours later while we asked her by saying she's fostering Midi, is it true then if anyone wanted to rehome Midi she'll need to give her away she said she just "rehomed" Midi on the same day. It's a very lousy story and she apparently was not honest, whichever way it is, fostering or actually owning the cat, she was hiding someting. Besides, she was advertising and said she was a fosterer in the RSPCA and a recognized expert. I suppose this is something RSPCA should be aware of, even if she is really a fosterer for the RSPCA.

RSPCA is a charity and we want our money well spent. Moreover we are concerning about the animals. We want them in safe hands. By posting it here and reporting it to the local office all I want to do is to make sure everything is done properly, not to accuse anyone as a criminal.

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2011, 17:31:40 PM »
I'm not so daft I can't pick out salient points, Gill. I left school quite some time ago.  :evillaugh:

I do believe the assumption has been made that this girl and her boyfriend were operating without the full support of their local branch. Has anyone spoken to the trustees of the local branch? Maybe the boyfriend is a trustee himself?  :shify:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2011, 17:00:14 PM »
I think you need to read the whole thread before replying Julie.

I dont think any assumptions have been made

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2011, 08:17:03 AM »
Hiya... in a bit of a rush!  :doh:

I read the first post and a few of the responses and there's a few things I'd like to say.  :naughty:

A) Just because you can't find this 'foster' puss in the database of cats available for adoption it does not mean it isn't in the care of the RSPCA branch involved. Many cats in charity care are not yet available for adoption, or have not been listed on the website yet, or indeed suitable for anything other than long term foster due to health or socialization issues.

B) *All* RSPCA branches are independently run with very little monitoring from RSPCA HQ. Most are charities in their own right overseen by their own trustees. Some branches are extremely good. Some branches are a disgrace.

C) Because RSPCA branches are autonomous, they are free to adopt their own standards, guidelines and rules. This includes welfare standards and fosterer usage. 

So you cannot assume this fosterer is making anything up without knowing the self determined welfare standards of the local branch.  ;)

Offline miafey

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2011, 14:29:49 PM »
Was trying to call the guildford branch this morning but no one answered.

Will keep trying!

Offline maryas

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2011, 23:49:39 PM »
Hi Mia

I've been doing home visits for the RSPCA in Halifax for a while now and I did try to foster but I fell in love with Bonnie and kept her - that will be4 years in December.

I went on a 4 hour course to be a home visitor.

To become a fosterer there is a short form to complete and some of the questions are - when did you have your last tetinus - this must be updated all the time, how many hours are you in the house with the animal.  Once they receive your completed form they will send some one to do a home visit to make certain that you have all necessary things for the animal ad it will be safe and loved.  All food, litter, dishes, food etc. are supplied by the RSPCA free of charge.  They need fosterers so they can free up more pens in the homing centre and are greatful to fosterers.  If the animals need any vet attention then they go the the RSPCA on Monday or Thursday to see the vet who comes in from a loval vets - again all free of charge.

Each rehoming centre may have their own way of dealing with fosterers but I would think they are the same.  Check the website for the brancjh in your area and ask to speak to the Manager.

Hope this helps.

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline snarf

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2011, 16:12:40 PM »
Katrinas well, shes got alot of family things going on as well as the charity being very very busy. i think shes abit backed up on the emails. We do love to hear how adopted cats are getting on though so it will have been much appreciated  :wow:
 if you get the newsletter i joined the failed foster club and adopted neko :Luv:

As gills said, well done for investigating
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 16:13:45 PM by snarf »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2011, 14:30:38 PM »
Well done for getting to the bottom of this

Offline miafey

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2011, 12:00:11 PM »
coincidentally i foster for AARU and although they will pay for food and litter for foster cats/dogs if required (as we dont have enough fosters and better to pay for food than lose a foster if they cant afford to continue) most of us buy our own food and litter and consider it part of what we do to help. Certainly noone gets trays, scratchers or toys. All fosterers are home checked and foster cats are regularly visited  (for chipping, photos, updates) by other volunteers. Foster cats are always available for rehoming and if adopted become solely the new owners responsibility regardless of whether that person also fosters. the only exception is a few long term fosters which have significant health issues so have never been requested for adoption. the charity continues to support their medical care and they remain AARUs responsibility but the fosterer is providing for their other needs and a stable loving home for as long as they need.

it sounds like this woman may just be making it all up. alot of people would have assumed she was some sort of expert if she was part of the RSPCA and would be willing to bypass their own checks. id deff report it because it doesnt sound right and i cant believe the rspca would be happy to have her advertising with their name. as has been said if they are and this is in some way a special case theres no harm done in calling it to their  attention.

How's Katrina? Is everything OK with her? I emailed her sometime in June I think to update her with some pics of my cat but haven't heard back from her yet. I know she's extremely busy. Just want to check everything's OK with her and if say please say hello to her :)

Well I think we now have most of the facts.

She came to UK as a student in Surrey in September 2010. She's not working for the RSPCA for sure. But her boyfriend/husband is somehow connected to the local branch. She likes cat but the fact that she's a student and he's not working, ie financially they couldn't afford pets, and that they were living in a crowded rented house with 6 people made it highly unlikely for her to pass the RSPCA homecheck. Therefore her boyfriend got some cats from a local fosterer, who apparently has too many cats/dogs to look after so was just more than happy to spare some with her without any check/reporting to the RSPCA. She is now having a black cat midi and a larbrador. I've attached the pics here. RSPCA might not even know that the cat is actually with her instead of with the fosterer and she's getting all the free stuff, including free boost, from the fosterer, who certainly gets help from the RSPCA if there are many foster animals there. She showed us that she was in possesion of a HomeAgain Microchip Scanner to prove her connection with the local office. when asked why she actually owns the cat but still get supplies from the charity, she said she just rehomed the cat yesterday (!!) and will pay for the cat by herself from now on. But when asked for the paperwork she said she did not sign any. She's definately not in a proper position to foster any animal from the RSPCA, let alone to provide cattery service.

Apparently her boyfriend and the fosterer were doing these furtively. They knew it was not right. But she was stupid enough to decide that there is money to be made for taking in the others' cats when they are on holiday for a fee so started posting ads, posters, etc, and boasting about her great work for RSPCA and the free stuff benefit. Neither her boyfriend or the fosterer is aware of what she's doing on internet. She was terrified when we said we are going to report this.

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2011, 10:11:04 AM »
coincidentally i foster for AARU and although they will pay for food and litter for foster cats/dogs if required (as we dont have enough fosters and better to pay for food than lose a foster if they cant afford to continue) most of us buy our own food and litter and consider it part of what we do to help. Certainly noone gets trays, scratchers or toys. All fosterers are home checked and foster cats are regularly visited  (for chipping, photos, updates) by other volunteers. Foster cats are always available for rehoming and if adopted become solely the new owners responsibility regardless of whether that person also fosters. the only exception is a few long term fosters which have significant health issues so have never been requested for adoption. the charity continues to support their medical care and they remain AARUs responsibility but the fosterer is providing for their other needs and a stable loving home for as long as they need.

it sounds like this woman may just be making it all up. alot of people would have assumed she was some sort of expert if she was part of the RSPCA and would be willing to bypass their own checks. id deff report it because it doesnt sound right and i cant believe the rspca would be happy to have her advertising with their name. as has been said if they are and this is in some way a special case theres no harm done in calling it to their  attention.

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2011, 09:25:22 AM »
your concerns are justified so if you report it and it is all true no harm done

the only instance of this I know the rspca hillingdon, slough branch which does offer cattery and dog boarding alongside  rspca rehoming facility, I will add though the ladies house is certainly her own and is huge with a massive amount of land and she also does have rspca branding, website and forms

Offline miafey

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2011, 09:22:05 AM »
Thank you everyone here. The first thing I do this morning is to switch on the PC and read all the replies.

We certainly won't use her cattery service. The only reason we ever considered her over registered cattery is that in a cattery the cat will be restrained to a small space while in a household environment the cat has more freedom. Like I said we normally look after each other's cat at their homes but this cat owner is in a different city.

We were talking to her over internet for the whole evening yesterday. I think this is a very dodgy RSPCA scandal. It appears that someone in one of the RSPCA branched in Surrey is providing her, a unqulified person, with cats and free cat stuff without any home check or interview or recheck. She claimed that she "rehomed" a cat just yeseterday (what a coincidence!!) without any paperwork or pre check.

I think I'll report it.

I dont know if I'll be able to find the person, but it does not sound right.

One thing I want to add: the fostered cat is definately healthy, this person is in her 30s with no health issue.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 10:07:03 AM by miafey »

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2011, 08:42:15 AM »
I don't know much about how the rspca but this sounds very dodgy.   As far as the cattery thing goes, presumably she would need to be registered with the local council just like any normal cattery?   Plus insurance, references like a cat sitter etc.  Might be worth checking with your local council to see whether she has the necessary paperwork to be advertising to take in people's pets.

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2011, 08:10:08 AM »
If she is advertising herself as "working for the RSPCA", you should send the Internet link to the RSPCA and get them to check it out. 

If it is all above board and legal then no harm done. 

It doesn't sound right but there could be circumstances perhaps where someone uses the RSPCA to rehome a much loved pet and, whilst they cannot look after the animal themselves, offer to pay the animal's expenses for life?  I also think RSPCA rehoming branches have to mainly fund themselves so I suppose they have a certain freedom as regards what they will and will not fund?  Does the cat this lady currently "fosters" have serious health issues?

I certainly wouldn't be in any way tempted to use anyone's catsitting services without a thorough check.

Like Gill says, perhaps others volunteering for RSPCA will be able to shed light on this situation.

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2011, 03:07:18 AM »
Sorry to say ,but not a chance in hell would I leave my cat/ cats with this person.
If I really needed to leave them it would be in a registered cattery that had been well checked over by myself.

Offline madamcat (Edd)

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2011, 00:48:00 AM »

Whether this person has any connections with the RSPCA or not - there are a number of branches in Surrey - I for one would not lodge my cat with someone in their own property with other cat(s) and what appears to be a multi-person occupancy of a rented property.

I am also from Surrey and there are plenty of registered catteries available to cat owners as well as experienced registered cat sitters.

Sorry from what you have said sounds a bit dodgy to me.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 00:51:38 AM by Edd »

Offline miafey

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2011, 00:17:50 AM »
I hope you dont mind but I am going to move this to Cat Chat general cos think it will get a wider reading and this is very important.

Maryas is a home checker for her local RSPCA and she may be able to add something.

I am pretty certain from all you have said that this person is a fraud and definately dodgy!

Thank you very much for your help!
I thought it was different from what I know about the charity.
But I want to double check with people actually work for the charity, either RSPCA or other charities, so that I don't wrongly accuse a good person.

btw: I really hope that the working for RSPCA and getting free stuff thing is really her big boast to get others thinking she's an expert.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 00:30:38 AM by miafey »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2011, 00:12:23 AM »
I hope you dont mind but I am going to move this to Cat Chat general cos think it will get a wider reading and this is very important.

Maryas is a home checker for her local RSPCA and she may be able to add something.

I am pretty certain from all you have said that this person is a fraud and definately dodgy!

Offline miafey

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RSPCA Fosterers
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 23:55:23 PM »
Hiya, I come here for help as all of you are involved actively in animal welfare and you may know better about how things working in RSPCA.

I'm from another country and have been in UK for around 8 years now, firstly as a student and now working. My cat is adopted from AARU in Nottingham and that was when I came across the rescue centres in UK and I adore those people who make such a commitment to a better life for those little animals.

Because of my cat I came to know quite a few cat owners nearby and we look after each other's cat when someone goes out on holiday so that the cat can stay in the same house. Of course we often gather together and discuss general issues about the cat.

Recently a cat owner is about to go on holiday. She found someone (referred to as "A" hereafter) on the internet who appeared to be a responsible and experienced person, offering a private "cattery" service at this person's place for a small charge. But when she told us some of the details she learned from that person, we thought it sounds a little bit dodgy. We think we have to be very careful when looking for someone to take care of our pets when we are away and the least thing we can do is to at least check the person is honest and decent. So I'm here to ask if its us being over suspicous or things are just not right.

A currently has one cat and one dog, living in a rented house sharing with other people. Before July she was living in a rented property with at least 6 other tenant and her cat (she only got her dog recently). At first she said she "got" her cat and dog from RSPCA and she's experienced in taking care of the cat. When asked questions about cat food, scratch board, cat tree and all other general cat care things, she appeared to know nothing. She explained that RSPCA is supplying with all cat food, cat litter, cat toys and health service for her cat for all the time so she had nothing to worry about. This is the second cat she "got" from RSPCA. This was when we started to be confused. Certainly AARU is not supplying everything for my cat? And I don't think any charity in UK can be that generous to supply cat food/litter/ect for cat which has been rehomed? So I phoned RSPCA up to check if it's their standard code of practice. The answer was of course not. The lady answered my phone said it's "highly unlikely".

So we raised the issue with A. Then A explained that the cat is not "rehomed" by her. She has a friend working for RSPCA (according to her, taking a lot of pictures for the animals to be rehomed) and she got the chance to "foster" some of the cats for RSPCA and the "special" chance to get full supply from the RSPCA. She admitted that she was not home checked or interviewed before becoming a fosterer for RSPCA and clearly she's not in a position to be one in my view (she was a fosterer when she lived in a rented house with a large group of people where the landlord didn't allow pet at all). Besides, the cat she's having now can not be found in the RSPCA database for cats for rehoming, which means, the cat is not to be rehomed, and she's getting supply from the RSPCA on a permanent basis.

That really sounds some kind of fraud and abuse of the charity system to me.

First of all, I though RSPCA has certain criterions for fosterers to make sure that animals will be properly looked after? Will anyone with any condition get the chance to foster an animal just because he/she has a friend taking pictures for RSPCA?

Secondly, is a fosterer of RSPCA supposed to run a private cattery at home and taking other people's pets in to live with the fostered animal? (They will share the house. There is no separated room like in a proper cattery) Should the RSPCA be aware of that if the fosterer is planning to do so? And is it legal to use "working for RSPCA" as a way to marketing her own business without RSPCA even be aware of the business?

Thirdly, I don't know if every fosterer will get the same chance to receive everything free of charge from RSPCA. But even if they do, the cat now is not for rehoming! She's literally keeping the cat to herself but having RSPCA to pay for all the necessary bills. Is it the way it should be?? I know a lot of fosteres in AARU end up with adoping their fostered cats because they just fall in love with them. But I'm not sure if they'll still get pernanent cat supply from the charity.

Well the whole thing seems a bit too complicated. We certainly do not want to accuse A for something when we are not sure because if she is a volunteer then she's doing a very good thing. On the other hand we do not feel very comfortable with the facts she presented to us. I'm thinking if I should report it to RSPCA if there is clearly an abuse of the system when someone gets easy chance to have pets (two cats and one dog) with free food and supplys and health cares from a charity we have all benn contributing too.

BTW, A is in Surrey.

Could anyone please tell me what is the rule in the game in RSPCA?

Many thanks



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