There is absolutely no way would I share my bed with Miney and Moses, although I love them to bits and am happy for them to sleep in our room during the day, I need at least two floors between us at bedtime as without a good nights sleep I am a wreck.
Before I turn in I take the boys into the cellar where they have their own beds, food, water, toys and litter trays and there they stay till I get up in the morning.
Commandment # 1 'thou shall sleep in thine own bed'! I learnt the hard way with my kids that Mummys bed is best kept out of bounds for sleepovers,
A great deal of 'childcare tactics' are applicable to cats, Recommended reading: 'Toddler Taming' By Dr Christopher Green.
PS: perhaps I should mention that I didn't lock my kids in the cellar at night...............honest