Author Topic: Jaffa's started spraying  (Read 3058 times)

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2007, 20:54:37 PM »
Oh dear! Has the codster struck again? Naughty boy!

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2007, 20:51:13 PM »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2007, 20:42:41 PM »
Oh dear thats why hes been nawty again  :rofl:

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2007, 20:41:49 PM »
Remind me never to post on this type of thread again...Its bloody cursed us ... I shall say no more  >:( >:( >:(

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2007, 18:23:01 PM »
I agree about the 2nd tray, and also Lynn's suggestion of feliway spray on the area sprayed - I find it works better than just the plug-ins. I usually wipe down first with an alcohol based spray, like Ecover, then spray with Feliway when dry.

Hope it was just a one off.

My Joe pees on carrier bags - I just unpacked some shopping the other day and left the bag on the worktop - went to pick it up later and got flippin drenched!  >:(

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2007, 13:51:04 PM »
I'm glad you all think it's most likely a one off.  That does fit in with the circumstances and the relationship between him and Mosi, rather than it being deliberate marking of his territory.  I'm going to be paranoid now whenever he does that tail quivery thing (that looks like spraying but isn't)!

I knew when I got Mosi he was going to be a dominant cat as the breeder told me when I first saw him that he was the liveliest and most dominant in the litter.  And Jaffa has always been quite dominant so I suppose their relationship was always going to be feisty!  I do wonder whether Mosi will eventually give in and realise he's not going to get the better of Jaffa, whether he'll keep going and Jaffa will concede to him, or whether they'll just rub along together with neither of them obviously dominant over the other.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 13:52:43 PM by Susanne (urbantigers) »

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2007, 13:05:40 PM »
As you say they are both dominant then i think an extra tray is a good idea. My behaviour book say that cats reach maturity upto 4 years old, which is the common time for issues to start.
It could have been something unrelated eg he looked out the window and saw another cat doing something he didnt like and then Mosi disturbed him.

Feliway should cover the whole flat (70sq m i think) so plugging one in the living room would still cover the bedroom  ;D

Offline ChrisB

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2007, 12:49:15 PM »
Hopefully it is a one off.   I definitely wouldn't worry about the plastic bag incident as I think they do use them from time to time especially if the tray was unavailable.   Actually some years ago when I needed to collect a urine sample from Puff (bridge baby) the vet suggested I put a plastic bag near the tray and sure enough he did use it.    Gizmo used a pile of clean laundry a few months back but that seems to have been a one off thankfully !
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2007, 12:31:22 PM »
I also think it maybe a one off cos caught Franta in the act a couple of months ago.

I think another litter tray would help and it would be interesting to see if they both then used the same tray or decided that each tray belonged to one cat.

I find that my trays are used by all except Sasa, who always goes outside no matter what the weather but Misa will come up and use the bathroom one and is using that one quite deliberately to say he is top cat.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2007, 10:35:26 AM »
susanne to be honest it sounds like it might have been a one off perhaps due to over excitement or that particular play/fight got out of hand and triggered the spraying reaction.

That would make sense.  I do hope you're right.  Now that you mention it - I was in the shower and they were obviously chasing each other around as I heard one of them crash into the large cardboard box in the hallway and then into the front door.   They then ran into the bedroom so it could have just been the excitement of that particular fight that caused him to spray.  Fingers crossed it's a one off. 

I can't really ban him from the bedroom cos it's a flat and he really only has the living room and bedroom and he loves to sleep on the bed.  I have put a cardboard box on the area so that it is effectively blocked off so I'll give the area another clean and spritz with simple solution tonight and leave the box there for a few days.

I think the carrier bag thing was actually just him choosing something that was like a litter tray when his actual tray was being used by Mosi.  It was one of the huge bags you get in ikea to use as a basket and it was on the floor, about half full so looking at it from Jaffa's point of view it was a logical thing to use as a litter tray!  That was end Jan/beg Feb and he's not done it again since then.

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2007, 09:42:40 AM »
susanne to be honest it sounds like it might have been a one off perhaps due to over excitement or that particular play/fight got out of hand and triggered the spraying reaction.

As for the weeing on carrier bag ive known/heard of cats do that when they have no issues or probs, i guess its abit like the duvet senario they just like to do that sometimes.

For me personally the only thing to spray on affected area that did make a difference was to also spray the area once dried with feliway spray and that really did help for us. (i keep a bottle in stock "just in case")

You could try meantime spraying the area with surgical spirit or as ela suggests alcohol of some type.

I'd also try if possible to keep him out of that room for a couple of days, banishing cody from the places he pee'd in albeit he never sprayed defo helped break the habits aswell (touch wood)...codys was ongoing as you know so perhaps a couple of days for jaffa will be enough just till his smells arent so apparent to him and he wont be temped to repeat mark the area.

Other suggestions ive heard are to put a bowl of food / dried biccys in the pee area so they dont associate that with toileting.

Hope its just a once off for jaffa though, sounds like it was.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2007, 09:14:44 AM »
Just to add - they have one litter tray between them (a large, covered one) and Jaffa does tend to use the corner, sides and doesn't cover.  He's obviously doing that deliberately to leave his scent in the tray.  It would be hard to find anywhere to put another one, but I might be able to fit one in the bathroom.  Would that help by providing him with another legitimate place he can mark? 

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Jaffa's started spraying
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 08:36:04 AM »
:(  Jaffa sprayed the wardrobe this morning during an altercation with Mosi.  He's never done it before.  He's always coped very well with Mosi - he'll hiss and swipe at him if Mosi pushes his luck and sometimes he seems to enjoy a bit of rough and tumble with him.  He's always remained his happy little self and even after any incident if I go up to him he's happy with his tail held high and a purr on the tip of his tongue.  I didn't see it happen but am 99% sure it was Jaffa as I came into the bedroom from the bathroom and Jaffa was standing with his back to the wardrobe and Mosi was facing him.  They both moved away and I noticed a wet patch on the carpet, then I noticed it trickling down the wardrobe door!  I've wiped it and drenched it with simple solution - will that be sufficient?  If there's any lingering smell will he be attracted back to the same spot or does that not apply to spraying?

I'm now in a bit of a quandry about what to do.  He doesn't seem stressed - just marking his territory against another dominant cat - but how can I stop it?  Will feliway/rescue remedy help since it's not really a result of being stressed (like inappropriate peeing).  I normally have a feliway diffuser in the lounge but it's ran out, and there's not a suitable plug in the bedroom for one. 

Any suggestions on how I handle this?  Could it be just a one off or is he likely to do this again now that he's started?   Or heaven forbid they both do it?!  I say it's the first time, but a few months ago Jaffa weed in a large ikea carrier bag.  It was definitely weeing and not spraying on that occasion and I think Mosi was in the litter tray at the time so I assumed he was just caught short and reckoned a large plastic bag was a bit like a litter tray! 

For those who don't know his background - Jaffa is almost 10 years old.  Lived with his brother until age 8 when brother died.  I got Mosi 6 months later in April 2006 as a 3 month old kitten.  Both are dominant cats and both are neutered.  Both are indoor cats.  Mosi is now 16 months but not fully grown as he's a somali and they mature slower than moggies.  Both are large cats but Jaffa has the edge and is also heavier than Mosi.  Mosi challenges Jaffa a lot by pouncing on him.  Jaffa responds by either wrestling with Mosi (and usually wins) or by hissing.  Sometimes it's clearly play and Jaffa seems to enjoy it too, at other times it's obviously Mosi challenging Jaffa.  Jaffa doesn't seem stressed by Mosi in general and is fine with him being around, but when Mosi challenges Jaffa and jumps on top of him he gets fed up and will often hiss at him.  They've actually been getting on really well the past few days which is why the spraying this morning came as a bit of a shock. 

« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 08:36:32 AM by Susanne (urbantigers) »


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