Oh yes I have but they are too small for my big cats to get through!
Someone kindly donated to me an older version of one which is the right size but the procedure to get the chips read wont work with my semi feral Sasa.
Some time this week I am going to plead with the pet shop to see if they will loan me one that they have mounted in ply for display to see if I can get Misa through it, I think Sasa will just make it as have seen her jumping thro the flap I have in the shed door.
They are so expensive, and cant afford to buy if the big cats cant get through and if Misa could get through Sasa will be able to, whether she will do it or not is the question
Yes its taken a long time, over two months and counting and think it took over 3 months when the original birmans arrived and things were very bad for a long time. Lupin is way hyperactive compared to them but think he is gradually calming down but wants to use all the house and so does Misa and afterall its his house.
Sasa would be so much better without doors closed as this scares her, so if they let me borrow the flap that would be great and then need fingers crossed that Misa can squeeze through.