Author Topic: CRF or kidney problem vomiting  (Read 4228 times)

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2007, 18:28:24 PM »
thanks, may give that a try cos he looks very very  :sick: when I give him katalax. He ate some more k/d today but is still not eating as much as normal. Will see how he is by saturday or else, monday.

Wed vomiting 3 hrs after eating. Same yesterday - all over the bed and duvet. He seems fine afterwards. I don't think it's a furball cos he's not a great groomer. He did vomit up a little bit of plastic bad he'd found yesterday morning so I'm worried that in his tum he has a free moving bit of bag???? Apparently wouldn't show up in an Xray.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 11:45:42 AM by swampmaxmum »

Offline Mark

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2007, 15:10:59 PM »
I rub the katalax into Willow's front leg ( with with direction of the fur) and she licks it off. I have to make sure is well rubbed in otherwise she flicks it all over the place  :evillaugh: - Maybe you could try defurrum - I would imagine the ingredients are similar to Katalax but he might like it. Clapton and Kylie love Defurrum. Reminds me, he thew up a big furrball in the garden the other day so I must give him a dose.

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Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2007, 10:44:45 AM »
If it helps at all, I lost my Tigger to kidney failure three months back.  :(

First signs were an increase in fluid intake. The amount he drank got enormous toward the end. It didn't effect his eating. He was sick now and again, but the major symptom was the drinking.


 :Sad Bye: for Tigger

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2007, 10:34:20 AM »
if he eats enough I may give him some katalax but he hates it so it's an on the finger and shove it on his tongue number  :P
he's got so fussy about food lately too. Eats i/d like there's nothing finer, then last night when I WANTED to keep him just on i/d, he wouldn't touch it and noshed k/d :)
his poos this morning were very dark indeed. I'm used to i/d making them dark and dry as i/d is very low fibre, but should I worry about this?

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2007, 09:34:39 AM »
Sorry if this seems like my initial answer to everything, but it's such a common problem in cats - FURBALL!

Give your cat some defurring treatment, see if it helps.
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Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2007, 14:11:12 PM »
Problem not solved....he did this again a week ago and then again this morning. Both times i/d and both times a few hours after eating. I just don't know what to do. He wanted to eat again very quickly but I made him wait 40 mins and gave a spoon of i/d. Now asleep, I'm waiting to see if he chucks up all over the bed and poor Swampy.
The vet's a bit sick of me, but I wonder if I should get Max's bloods done again or just sit it out and hope it's just a once a month thing? He was yowling a lot yesterday and very fussy about his food and I ended up blending k/d with chicken and giving him that. I wonder if should stick permanently to i/d????

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2007, 16:51:46 PM »
thanks everyone. He's not off food. On the contrary, he tried to get the lid off his dish about 5 mins after puking. He's a secret plastic eater too, just to make life 'simpler'.
He does seem to react to any change in diet by vomiting as yesterday he munched an l/d can - me thinking I'd better sometimes give him some more suitable nosh for his slightly iffy kidneys than just i/d. But it was i/d he threw up all over the rug this am in 3 places, poor mouse. Ate lunch fine though so fingers crossed.
Am just being asked for nosh again - slave to their rhythms but why not  :hug:

Offline Mark

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 14:45:15 PM »
Clapton has never vomited with CRF. He has a gurgly stmach sometimes and has had the runs but no vomiting.

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 12:38:05 PM »
The vomiting that is caused by kidney problems - is it regurg (very soon after eating I mean) or delayed? Liver disease vomiting is delayed generally speaking. Although it can be regurg too before the ALT gets too high....vomiting is difficult to diagnose I know.

Is kidney disease or early CRF vomiting generally accompanied by lack of appetite as well or can the cat be hungry, eat well and vomit due to kidneys?

As Lynn said there are many causes of vomiting and I don't know if Tiggy's vomiting pattern is typical of CRF so this is just my experience...

Tiggy hardly ever vomited food (regurg after eating).  If she ate she kept it down, the problem was more getting her to eat because of the nauusea/stomach acid.  Before she went on medication she would vomit clear foamy patches of 'tummy juice'.  Her nausea/vomiting was always accompanied by lack of appetite, stands to reason - think how you would feel if someone was pushing plates of food under your nose whilst you felt sick  :sick: 

Relatively early on in the CRF I started her on antacids, vomiting virtually disappeared and appetite reappeared however towards the end if I was late with a dose she would display signs of feeling nauseous, lip smacking etc

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 11:37:12 AM »
Gosh could be a number of things, My fraser is a regular peuker due to chronic gastritis.  I think that is something you will need to speak to the vet about.

Offline swampmaxmum

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CRF or kidney problem vomiting
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 10:19:26 AM »
Sorry, another day another question.

The vomiting that is caused by kidney problems - is it regurg (very soon after eating I mean) or delayed? Liver disease vomiting is delayed generally speaking. Although it can be regurg too before the ALT gets too high....vomiting is difficult to diagnose I know.
Is kidney disease or early CRF vomiting generally accompanied by lack of appetite as well or can the cat be hungry, eat well and vomit due to kidneys?
Max is vomiting again and I'm not sure about his kidney function but think his readings are above normal.  As I've said elsewhere, Swampy's threatened with Fortekor too. I took urine around yesterday to the vets from them both but not sure that he had enough time (hectic day) to test it properly so may have to repeat it.
His nurse said all she remembered was they both had a ph of 6 - I forget my school science so not sure what that means either.

Max vomited but was hungry again quite quickly. Could be completely kidney unrelated but am starting to worry.


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