Author Topic: Advice please: cat allergy/asthma!  (Read 1752 times)

Offline Jo2705

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Re: Advice please: cat allergy/asthma!
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2011, 17:09:47 PM »
thanks very much everyone!
it seems to be the standard doc response i think - get rid of the cats, problem solved, but i'm far too stubborn for that!!!

I dont think he got much chance to explore other meds with his doc but i will get him on the task now! and will also try the petal cleanse.....i knew there had to be a way round it somewhere :)  xx

Offline shirleyp01

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Re: Advice please: cat allergy/asthma!
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2011, 09:56:52 AM »
I was told to get rid of my cats when i was diagnosed with asthma a couple of years ago, i am also allergic to dust, pollen, estee lauder youth dew perfume for some reason, you name it i am allergic to it, the list grows on a daily basis.  I was given tabs Singulair from the doctor as well as taking two inhalers to keep the asthma under control.
I was also taking becconnaise for years for the pollen as we had moved to the country.  As long as i took them at the same time each day I was fine i could pick the girls up and give them big cuddles into their fur without any problems. 
So i am  glad i didnt take the advice of the doctor and get rid of my beautiful cats.

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Re: Advice please: cat allergy/asthma!
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2011, 21:26:05 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs

I've not used an air purifier but would second the suggestion of petal cleanse - worth a go!

Has your partner explored other asthma meds with his GP? Singulair tablets and a Seretide inhaler seem to have done the trick for me *touch wood*

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Re: Advice please: cat allergy/asthma!
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2011, 18:03:04 PM »
have you tried petal cleanse?

you rub it into the cats fur weekly (so they need to be tolerant!)

many years ago a highly allergic friend of mine couldnt spend 10mins standing in my flat without breaking out in a full body rash, after a few weeks of the petal cleanse he could stroke the cats with just some itching so obvious improvement. no idea whether long term it would have entirely solved the allergies or whether it will work everyone but it certainly can work

Offline CuteCats

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Re: Advice please: cat allergy/asthma!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2011, 16:42:57 PM »
How awful for the doctors to say that!  I'd have a word with a pharmacist.  There are lots of allergy medicines / nose sprays available.  Piriton is one I think.

Offline Jo2705

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Advice please: cat allergy/asthma!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2011, 16:06:57 PM »
Hi Everyone

I currently have 3 cats - 2 short and 1 long hair and my new partner is not only allergic but also has asthma which is aggravated by cat hair.
He was taking benadryl for the allergy but unfortunately this brought on the asthma (a possible side effect apparently).
the allergy itself seems to be easing slightly after 4 months but not the asthma.

We have spoken to both our doctors for advice and been told either my partner has to "get rid" of me, or I have to "get rid" of the cats - not very helpful! My partner is fully aware that the cats are going nowhere and is fine with that but I want to try and make things as comfortable as possible for him.......I've banned the cats from the bedroom and try to keep it as free of cat hair as possible but this doesnt seem to be helping much. I'm considering an air purifier and wondered if anyone has experience of using them and do they actually make a difference?! Other than that any other suggestions would be gratefully received and tested!
Thanks :)


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