I have attached a picture of Jakey who came home today!
I hope it works????
He seems really confident to move around and explore, he is purring abit near the door but not allowed to let him out for afew weeks bless him. thank you all so much for your advice on cat bed, i got him a fleece beanbag and he seems to be clawing it alot? that normal? lol.
He is too busy mooching around the house at the mo lol.
I just hoping he uses his litter tray! lol Any idea when he will first use it???? Hours? day or so???
Cats protection have given me lots of leaflets so this afternoon will be spent reading them and this site to get all in the know lol
I'm so pleased Jakey seems really happy bless him. Tho he already trying to find a home on the sofa! hehe
Regarding my allergy, well my nose is runny but that is all, so should be fine in afew days i hope. Doesn't seem to bother me at the mo
Ems xxxx
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