I've just returned from holiday to find my cat had to be taken to the vet. My Mum found her back leg was twisted in and she couldn't straighten her back up. On taking her to the vet, she held herself in a tight ball, so the vet couldn't examine her (obviously didn't want to force her to straighten out at the stage as she didn't know what the causing the problem). The vet gave her a muscle relaxant and ABs (in case she had been in a fight, although there was no evidence of this). She didn't have a temperature and was eating well.
Things slowly improved so she didn't need to go back for an xray. On our return from holiday, she can jump on our bed, run up and downstairs, but I noticed she was cautious when jumping off a low brick wall outside. She readily uses the cat flap to come inside, although she hasn't used it to go outside. Obviously I'm keeping a close eye on her, but just wondering if anyone had any experience of this or what might has caused it, given that the leg and back now seem to be back in their correct position.