Author Topic: My local RSPCA  (Read 11552 times)

Offline Lindyloo

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2007, 15:57:54 PM »
Hi Delsey, I am getting very confused. You say if people have problems getting through to HQ to ring the local branch. Do you mean HQ? Why would people ring them? HQ deal with the admin of RSPCA i.e. membership, management, etc.
Reports of cruelty, neglect, etc should be made to the Emergency Helpline number, the RSPCA website specifically says do not ring HQ as they cannot help. They are not at the same address.
Also as I have said many branches are solely fundraising groups so unless you know they deal with rescue work I cannot see any point in ringing them they wil not be able to do anything.
I think if it is an Inspector you want you should persevere with the Helpline number.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2007, 21:20:13 PM »
Spoke to the manager at the rescue's local branch, she wasn't too surprised at the complaints, as they receive them a lot about HQ, and they also have probs getting through, they dont have a separate number, so also struggle. They tell people that if they have a prob when they get through to someone at HQ to ring the local branch back, so maybe that is what we should all be doing. It is just a shame that no one seems to be taking any notice of these complaints and doing something about it, it would raise the view of the RSPCA.
On a positive note, I am going through the application process to be a fosterer for oldies for the rescue's local branch, they prefer to place them in foster homes, so I might not be able to do it a lot, but it means I can have a third, pay for as much as I can, but know that I have the backup in case I have financial probs as I have in the past when I have gone up to 3 cats. And it means it is another oldie in a home environment too.
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2007, 13:25:24 PM »
Lynn - the manager was supposed to be ringing me last night about the fundraiser, which is why I said I was wiating for her, as she hasn't rang, I shall be ringing tonight, as she said she was off this weekend. I am aware of charities getting more calls than they can deal with, I do take some of the phone calls for the branch I foster for - it was more that people were ringing the one I help fundraise for and they were saying they had a negative reaction from them, I shall be making the manager aware, one was a 77 year old lady who feeds 2 ferals and has to have an op - I got told they help ferals, but that wasn't the reaction she got, she will be helped regardless though, but it could have just been an off chance - although 4 in one day makes you wonder, esp when it is a regular thing.
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Offline Lindyloo

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #34 on: April 20, 2007, 07:31:46 AM »
Could you not just ring the RSPCA and ask them direct about why they refered on the calls about the cats. Maybe they are full and do not have room for more cats. Find out what their policy is, do they restrict what cats they accept if so ask why. But remember all charities get more calls than they can deal with. When I lived in Croydon there were 4 or 5 rescue groups and we were all continually refering calls to each other!
The CP branch I worked for got so many calls in the summer months we usually had to restrict ourselves to taking in pregnant/nursing mums, kittens out on the streets, or sick strays.
It was a case of if the cat has a home/is being fed it will have to stay there. We would assist with neutering & rehoming but just could not accomodate.
I think it was pretty much the same with the other groups. We would try to catch up on other cases in the quieter winter months.
If your RSPCA is empty & refusing cats is seems strange I must say, but if you go there and there are lots of cats needing homes doesn't that speak for itself? Lynn

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2007, 20:54:17 PM »
Hmm, well since posting this I have spoken to my vet, and she asked me if I could help with a blind cat, as she wont ring the RSPCA if they are over 4, as they say no - I did forget to ask which number she was ringing though. And spoke to someone at the other rescue I fundraise for, and they have had 4 calls today where people have already rang the RSPCA and got a negative response, so when I speak to the manager at that local branch, I will see what she has to say, as it could be she has a dodgy volunteer, and wont know unless someone tells her.
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Offline Ela

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2007, 14:01:16 PM »
the second one said that HQ just give out guidelines,

I don't really understand that one, as when Richard the animal manager wanted to stop putting FIV cats that were well to sleep he asked me to write to their HQ and back him up. He could not make the decision without their say so. Fortunately their HQ saw sense and now the FIV cats come to us. ;D

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2007, 13:54:56 PM »
they are all GENUINE animal lovers and do so much for the ferals and put a lot of money into neutering, vaccinating and educating and general animal welfare.

I suppose it does come down to finances, our local branch does no feral work and only supplies  £10 neutering vouchers to people who adopt a cat from them, they also only accept gifted cats and no strays.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2007, 13:20:38 PM »
Linda - you make some good points, there is definitely a place for all, as I said on one of my posts, when you look at the numbers they can handle compared to us, animals would suffer if it weren't for them - but at the moment, I can't afford to support any more charities, so HQ will stay on the back burner. My way of thinking was due to lack of understanding, and partly because of some of the cats we have helped where the CP and RSPCA wouldnt'
yvonne - the story behind them was they got 5 from one household, they were all neutered, then they 'acquired' one from a different place, that one is younger than the rest, so will be done when old/big enough.
I am pleased too Dawn, except it makes the list of charities for me to support longer!! I should be talking to the rescue's one today or tomorrow, as I forgot to get all the details of the fundraiser - but the fact they are willing to let small, local rescues have a stall on their fundraising days is really good. Both the managers I have spoken to do seem genuine animal lovers (the first one has 20 pets of her own!!), and their policies aren't always what we normally hear on the forum, the second one said that HQ just give out guidelines, so they dont necessarily have to follow them. And, one of them does have a policy I dont quite agree with, but what I would now say to people is to ring their local branch, and not only ask what their policy is, but why  - you can't fault her reasoning behind applying that policy. i am assuming that the rescue's local branch is full, as they were pasing out our number this week!!
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Offline Dawn (DiddyDawn)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2007, 12:57:57 PM »
I'm really pleased you are impressed by your local branch will find most local branches are fab.  I am on our local committee and you couldn't get nicer people, they are all GENUINE animal lovers and do so much for the ferals and put a lot of money into neutering, vaccinating and educating and general animal welfare.  They also help out other branches and I would support them wholeheartedly.  The HQ is sadly another story but this shouldn't stop people supporting local branches, without donations they really cannot survive and it's the animals that sadly suffer.  It's nice to see some positive press for once on the forum..........people should only judge if they see what goes on and not listen to everything they read, I absolutely love any animal and I would not get involved in something I disagreed with.

Offline Ela

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2007, 08:02:32 AM »
I know they are not perfect but a lot of the complaints I have heard about them come down to difference of opinion.
Also I find that in some cases (not saying you)  people base their opinion on what they have been told or hearsay rather than their own direct experience.

I know what you are saying but what I know comes from the horses mouth also some of our volunteers have been volunteers for another local charity. As I say our local RSPCA has improved and we take in the FIV cats that are well, in fact I think 4 out of the 5 we have in at the moment are from the RSPCA. It is nice that we can now work together. I am also hoping that the new laws will enable the Inspectors to act sooner and prevent suffering rather than have to have to wait until something has actually happened. I know I was told about a week before the new law came in that had it been in place at the time the two dogs that were in the house with one bowl of water for 5 day, something could have been done sooner.

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2007, 07:49:30 AM »
Ela, I don't really understand what you are getting at.

I cannot explain on this forum as it really is not the place. I will say that as with most things in life the are the good and the bad. I do know how you feel, as when I see some bad written about CP I think blimey  ;D because we do everything right to protect life. What I will say about CP and individual rescues is that because almost all are unpaid, therefore rescue is done solely for the love of animals and not for a living wage. I must say that things have improved greatly at our local RSPCA since Richard took over a manager of the animal section. He does seem to have the animal’s interest at heart

Offline alison67

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2007, 15:23:35 PM »
Ela  - Yes it could have been your post I was thinking of. I thought it might be a good idea to let people know that for cruelty /neglect cases they can(and probably should) ring the National Emergency Helpline number. This number deals with the Inspectors. If you know your local branch personally and know what they do you could ring them about appropriate issues e.g. rehoming cases.  However people need to be aware that each branch decides what its function is and some are solely fundraising groups - so in most cases it is probably best to stick to the main number. Branch officials have no powers like Inspectors they are in effect just members of the public like you and I.
I think it is a real shame that some people in animal welfare choose not to support the RSPCA HQ. Personally I think that is self defeating as they are the only body with Inspectors and without them the country's animals would be the worse for it.
I know they are not perfect but a lot of the complaints I have heard about them come down to difference of opinion.
Also I find that in some cases (not saying you)  people base their opinion on what they have been told or hearsay rather than their own direct experience.
Please folks look at  the good work the RSPCA does do before you condem them.

thanks for the support for us
we do get alot of bad publicity but the local rescues do it all themselves and raise all the funds ouurselves
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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2007, 11:40:41 AM »
Yvonne - yep, all bar the one that came in yesterday - you could tell by looking at it that it was young, the size difference was quite a lot!!

I do not understand the logic to this
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Offline Lindyloo

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2007, 11:38:33 AM »
Ela, I don't really understand what you are getting at. But be realistic they are operating as all call centres do and this is due to the huge volume of calls they receive.  As I said a lot of complaints seem to relate to the fact that people  just don't like the ways things are done.
  I l say that is down to lack of understanding. An organisation as large as the RSPCA cannot operate in the same way as a small local charity is run. 
I see that CP is coming in for a lot of criticism too now. I don't remember this being the case when I first became involved with animal rescue. It seems to have coincided with their growth and more modern, efficient profile.    If you prefer to work with a small charity - fine, but there is a place for all. Why run down other  organisations.
Also it seems somewhat unfair when people say they won't give to RSPCA HQ but expect to use their services and feel they have a right to be critical. People contributing should and do have most say about how the RSPCA operate.
Lastly there is another side - the RSPCA must receive hundreds of "dodgy" calls , like the ambulance service getting calls from people with a splinter or such like.  As the CP used to say "we do what we can". Do they still have that catchphrase?

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2007, 11:10:04 AM »
Until this weekend, my opinion was based on hearsay, i have now changed it after talkign to people in our local ones, but the jury is still out on HQ.

My thoughts are on fact, also I would say that what people sometimes say  is what people want to hear and not necessarily what happens in reality.

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2007, 11:07:03 AM »
I've just looked up the RSPCA Emergency Helpine number it is 0870 5555 999. You should use it to report  any cruelty, neglect, abuse concerns.

So you don't have to listen to a list of options as long as your arm, when a voice answers press 2, 2, 4. Although I am sure most of you will know as this information was posted  a short time ago.

Offline Lindyloo

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2007, 08:22:06 AM »
I've just looked up the RSPCA Emergency Helpine number it is 0870 5555 999. You should use it to report  any cruelty, neglect, abuse concerns.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2007, 08:07:59 AM »
You have a good point, I shall support my local branches, but only that at the moment. Until this weekend, my opinion was based on hearsay, i have now changed it after talkign to people in our local ones, but the jury is still out on HQ.
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Offline Lindyloo

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2007, 08:00:25 AM »
Ela  - Yes it could have been your post I was thinking of. I thought it might be a good idea to let people know that for cruelty /neglect cases they can(and probably should) ring the National Emergency Helpline number. This number deals with the Inspectors. If you know your local branch personally and know what they do you could ring them about appropriate issues e.g. rehoming cases.  However people need to be aware that each branch decides what its function is and some are solely fundraising groups - so in most cases it is probably best to stick to the main number. Branch officials have no powers like Inspectors they are in effect just members of the public like you and I.
I think it is a real shame that some people in animal welfare choose not to support the RSPCA HQ. Personally I think that is self defeating as they are the only body with Inspectors and without them the country's animals would be the worse for it.
I know they are not perfect but a lot of the complaints I have heard about them come down to difference of opinion.
Also I find that in some cases (not saying you)  people base their opinion on what they have been told or hearsay rather than their own direct experience.
Please folks look at  the good work the RSPCA does do before you condem them.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2007, 07:40:28 AM »
Yeah, my two local ones are 11.30-3.30 - their reasoning being that they have a lot to do, so can't have the public there all the time - in fact, all the rescues in the area that have public there all the time (as opposed to us and CP where it is appointment only) are 10-4, even though there is someone there 24/7. They are all 7 days a week though, and the worst one to get hold of is CP, they have 1.5 hours a night 4 days a week, then about 5 hours over Sat and Sun.
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Offline Ela

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2007, 19:51:26 PM »
I think I saw in  another post something about the RSPCA helpline closing at 11pm.

I am wondering if you saw my post were I said  our local branch  do not answer the phones until Our local branch only answer the phones about 5 hours a day 6 days a week.


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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2007, 19:33:05 PM »
Of course it is a good thing Ela - one of the main things that has stood out to me is that one branch are licenced for 60 cats, one for 43 (I think, 40 something anyway) - so they can take in more than we can, and that helps us out as well.
Lynn - both managers that I have spoken will admit that the RSPCA does have a bad name, I would never be a member of HQ, will just support my local branches.
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Offline Lindyloo

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2007, 14:20:53 PM »
Nice to see the RSPCA getting some praise for a change. I have been a member for 30 years and do think a lot of the criticism is unjustified.  A branch close to me runs the Bluebell Ridge Cat Rehoming Centre. The manager, her staff & volunteers do a marvellous job and I am very happy to support them.
I think I saw in  another post something about the RSPCA helpline closing at 11pm. The emergency helpline is open 24 hours a day if you go their website and look up contacts you will find the appropriate number.

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2007, 08:19:10 AM »
I have a much better opinion of them,

That is a good thing, isn't it?  Of course the ones to benefit most will be the little ones.  Hopefully more and more Centre Managers will realize that they have much work to do to clean up their image with the public.

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2007, 21:31:36 PM »
Spoke to the manager at the rescue's local RSPCA today, was really impressed with them too, they are very clued up, and very willing to help other rescues. Their policies are slightly different to my local one, and they do early spay/neuter, she is going to arrange for me to go and view one at some point, which was nice of her. All in all, 2 phone calls/visits, and I have a much better opinion of them, especially this one, as they are very pro-active and very willing to help smaller rescues.
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2007, 19:35:01 PM »
Rochdale - I might go to the Oldham one soon.
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Offline alison67

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2007, 14:29:25 PM »
which one did you goto delsey

the one i work for covers bury oldham district but the animal centre is in oldham

the money we raise in our shops go to our branch and that is how they keep open thru fundraising themselves

we dont get any fundin from government
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2007, 11:16:25 AM »
Yep, that was the idea, there are just too many charities!! I have concentrated on 3 this year.
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Offline Ela

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2007, 10:57:19 AM »
NExt year I shall do the same.

A good idea that to spread it around.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2007, 10:48:04 AM »
Mine was a couple of years ago, I did it for 2 years, then changed all my SO's to benefit other rescues. NExt year I shall do the same.
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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2007, 10:40:40 AM »
but i know it definitely went to them - maybe it was an SO then.

Who knows, perhaps they have changed their ideas, we didn't know until a couple of years ago when people kept sayng to us I donate to you every month and we knew they didn't.

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2007, 10:37:07 AM »
New CP branches are better than the RSPCA ones then - they dont get anything when they set up, they can occasionally apply for grants for certain things, but everything else is raised themselves. Didn't realise about Direct Debits though, I thought i had done one for my local CP, but i know it definitely went to them - maybe it was an SO then.
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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2007, 10:30:00 AM »
dont remember her saying wildlife shelters.

I think they have 4 wildlife shelters. I bet one at least must be in Norfolk

you have to specify a branch or it goes to HQ

That is the same with us, so many people think they are leaving us a legacy, yet if they have not put for the sole use of  XXX branch or something like that  we don't get 1p. Although I appreciate that our HQ needs funds too as the have a state of the art shelter for up to 200 cats at their HQ and spend over £6 million a year a neutering alone. Also when a branch starts up the are given the essentials. Also what some people do not  realise is that if they take out a Direct Debit that goes to HQ, branches can only receive donations by Standing Orders. Cheques and cash of course are very different.

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2007, 10:16:19 AM »
Yvonne - yep, all bar the one that came in yesterday - you could tell by looking at it that it was young, the size difference was quite a lot!!

That's true Ela - although as most of us know on here, you have to specify a branch or it goes to HQ. Yes, we were told that all the inspector cases they have in, they do claim from HQ for them, which I think is right, they have to hold them for months.
I think she said HQ cover Inspectors, two other lots of initials, the hospitals - dont remember her saying wildlife shelters.
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Offline Ela

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2007, 07:40:29 AM »
I think that many people do not realise that the RSPCA branches are  independent charities with their own charity number. I must say though that because you have the name of RSPCA  many branches benefit hugely from wills etc. tens and hundreds of thousands and even millions in some cases. I know in our local paper every week are pics of people presenting cheques to our local RSPCA. I know one branch that  has all its dog and cat food donated by a well known firm. Little things like this are an enormous help. I would also think that when a pet is taken to an RSPCA branch by an inspector that branch  could claim something from their HQ.

I think the RSPCA HQ is only responsible for the Inspectorate and perhaps the RSPCA hospitals and perhaps some wildlife centres. I expect like  Cats Protection they  have a few RSPCA sponsored shelters.

Offline Yvonne

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Re: My local RSPCA
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2007, 22:52:22 PM »
I am a bit lost - are the guinea pigs neutred or not?
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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My local RSPCA
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2007, 20:18:46 PM »
Went to look at the place today, had a chat with the deputy manager yesterday and the manager today and took up the invitation of a tour - never been to the place, purely because the door isn't viewable from the main road, so didn't know how to get in the place!!! Was so pleased I did though, I have a completely different view of our local RSPCA now, and am a lot more willing to support them, they really do a good job, and i have never seen such a fantastic set up - admittedly, it is the newest rescue I have been to. The only creatures they have that are unneutered are the rats, the guinea pigs, ferrets and rabbits are all done - they use my vets for neutering, and they do so little guinea pig neutering that it wasn't even on their price list, luckily they have someone who has done them at another practice!! The manager is very much into animals, and was more than happy to explain a lot of their policies to us, so am very glad I went, a lot of things make more sense when the reasons behind them are explained to you - i never realised that they have to raise the funds to pay for their staff themselves, so their cost per month (well, even a day) are incredibly high, and thanks to that, I will start helping them out now. They actually charge such a small amount for what they offer as well, so they are continually making a loss.
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