I agree with Tiggy's mum, Da Bird is a superb toy and wears my two out (they are three and two & still dash around like kittens so you have a long ways to go!)
I have a little laser mouse toy which I know some people aren't too keen on but my Izzy adores it, she knows she can't catch it but that doesn't stop her asking to play with it every morning and as long as it is alternated with tangible toys that she can catch and "kill" then it doesn't seem to do her any harm.
The best solution would be getting Bonnie a little boyfriend to play with. Two cats aren't much more hassle than one cat, they keep each other company and will play with each other instead of ambushing you! I have never regretted getting Izzy last September as a companion for my boycat Cashie (they are indoor cats for reasons too many, varied and controversial to go into here) and they spend hours stalking, chasing, play fighting, grooming & cuddling and it's lovely to watch. Cashie is far less dependent upon me for his entertainment now which is something of a relief for me.
Bonnie sounds like a lovely little character with perfectly normal behaviour..as as long as she isn't using her claws then she's just being a normal little cat.