Morning hunnies

Well works are more than halfway done now thank goodness! The main bedroom is virtually finished, just a bit of painting to do at the top of the wall when the plaster is fully dry, but furniture is back in place again, so its a bit more like normal, although stinks of paint lol!
Reckon they should be finishing on Friday all being well.
Poot still hates it, doesn't like being couped up in the kitchen by himself, and as soon as he's let out he dives up to the bed and hides underneath for a while. However it only took him about an hour to come down again by himself last night, and although he wouldn't really settle, he was at least out exploring which I guess is a good sign.
He was mega cuddly last night, spent all night snuggled up next to me in bed for reassurance I guess, but I didnt mind

Hopefully all will be OK, not sure if the Felliway is doing anything yet, but he seems to be a bit less stressed than on day 1.
Thanks again for all your support my lovelies, its so hard seeing your babies scared