I Was the Rspca yesterday and overheard this
girl..you have my cat
receptionist (r).. has it had treatment?
girl. no you took my cat
r- who took your cat sorry?
girl.. the police took my cat
r..do you mean our inspectors took it?
girl no the police took my cat and sent it here
r- im a bit confused as the police dont take cats, when was this?
girl- yesterday
r..where was this?
girl..looks at screen and reads off postcode
r..no the adress
girl -still looking at screen reads off an adress
r.what colour is your cat
girl black and white
r. we havent had any come in that match your cat
girl- points behind receptionist and points at cat in a cage saying that cat, that may be my cat
r.looks disturbed-that cat came in today not yesterday
girl oh- maybe thats not my cat but the police take my cat here
r.. why did they take your cat?
girl-the police say i was being cruel to my cat but i wasnt
r..you need to contact police then and find out where it is.
what was that all about