Author Topic: Oh the dilemma!  (Read 3616 times)

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2011, 18:31:50 PM »
I am an odd one out in this. I have fatigue based illness and have such bad trouble sleeping Im afraid the bed at night is mine!!! If amber wants to share shes welcome but she has to realise I have night terrors and kick and thrash about so much Ive been known to untuck the bottom sheet in the night so she may well end up being kicked off in the night. I do tend to wake at the thud and say sorry and then lie awake for the next 5hrs!
That said she does make sure Im in bed before she goes to her bed and if I get up in the night I get escorted back to bed and given a cuddle then she jumps off and goes to bed again

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2011, 13:23:39 PM »
After last night mob on our Superkingsize bed I am beginning to think they thinkmit is their bed and I can sleep on the edge = I did point out that 18 and 1 parent is fine but Daddy is home for 2 nights so they can all move and share his half :rofl:
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Offline shirleyp01

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2011, 10:14:39 AM »
It is so funny, how non of us move our lovely cats off the bed on a night time, we would rather hang off the edge of the bed,  do I love it of course I do

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2011, 19:42:39 PM »
Ella prefers not to sleep in the bed when we are there, she does what we call the day shift. At weekends she is not happy when the day shift is delayed! Effie only got into bed when she wanted to wake us up at the weekend. Archie is going to be a problem, I can feel it!

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2011, 12:49:47 PM »
Well I have to say the little monkey's got his own way in the end and wrapped me around his fluffy paw.  I missed him when he didn't climb into bed so when he came in last night I just shifted up a bit and found myself saying "you get comfy"!  He has adjusted his position a bit and I have new pillows which help so he seems to lie a tiny bit lower down now and so less in my face.  I fell asleep quite quickly and woke up 5 hours later to find him still there.  He'd obviously changed position as he was on his other side but he was still snuggled right up to me.  I think we might be able to make this work!  Of course now he'll probably decide he doesn't want to sleep there.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2011, 13:29:30 PM »
I often wonder how Liz copes with 17 plus on her bed!  :evillaugh:


I'm afraid last night I put him out in the living room.  Not all night but I went to bed late (about 1am) and couldn't sleep as usual.  Mosi was on my pillow as usual and then up and down as usual.  He disturbed Jaffa and the pair of them were both up and mooching around and it was about 4.30am and I still hadn't had much sleep.  So I'm afraid I got annoyed with the pair of them as I wanted to shut Mosi in the living room and have Jaffa on the bed but they were both in the living room.  Took me some time to persuade Jaffa to come into the bedroom and to manage that without Mosi getting through.  sort of worked as Mosi whined for a while but not too long and Jaffa settled back down on his bottle on the bed.  I wish I could say it worked completely but Jaffa was up at 6.30am - can't blame him for that given that I'm normally up no later than 6am in the week so this was a lie in for him - and obviously he wanted to go out into the living room.  I'm afraid I opened the door a little, almost pushed him through and then shut the door on both of them.  I could have fed them at that time and they might both then have settled down on the bed for a while, but I didn't want to risk waking myself up too much as I was feeling pretty sleepy.  Mosi then scratched at the door for a while and cried but he stopped after a bit and I went back to sleep.  slept for an hour then woke up.  Went back to sleep for another hour or so then woke up and got up to them.  So a few more hours sleep but I would like to get it in one stretch and not an hour or so at a time!

Trouble is, for all the trouble, Mosi then turns on his cute, fluffy face and I end up picking him up and cuddling him whilst telling him what a good boy he is!!

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2011, 12:47:38 PM »
I often wonder how Liz copes with 17 plus on her bed!  :evillaugh:

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2011, 12:47:04 PM »
 :rofl: love this thread.

I normally sleep crunched up on the pillow as much as poss as Marl has the rest of my side of the bed. He sleeps right up to me as much as poss then stretches wide so cutting off the half of the bed space.  Do i move him..... na!!  :innocent:  Then Garf he prefers to sleep in their own beds but occasionally like to sleep on the pillow for a bit whioch makes the bit of space i have even less!  Hmm are we mad... Yes!!!  :evillaugh:

Offline Katt

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2011, 11:12:30 AM »
Am so glad to hear am not alone, in cats taking over our bed`s.

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2011, 10:11:21 AM »
Im obviously cruel to Amber. She sees me to bed and then tootles off and sleeps in her bed. If I get up she sees me back to bed, has a cuddle and goes away again. She rarely sleeps on the bed when Im in it as I sleep really badly and twitch and kick and wake every hour  to turn over and thump the pillow etc ect and it disturb her sleep  :evillaugh:

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2011, 00:42:06 AM »
I had the joy of Mr miyagi sleeping on my head last night- please dont say i have years of it to come :Crazy:
Ididnt have the heart to move him as he was purring like crazy- i was a bit disturbed when he started pushing his lips against my eye lids in case he deciced to bite but i was brave :evillaugh: and he then fell alseep happily in my hair :shy:

Offline maryas

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2011, 00:31:28 AM »
Well, the amount of times I've just had to wet the bed cos I couldn't disturb Bonnie is unbelievable  :evillaugh: ;)

I feel soguilty too if I shove her off the bed so I can turn over or get out.

She never sleeps in the same place so when I wake up I have to make sure I don't stretch out and kick her or roll over and disturb her.  :rofl:

I sometimes wonder how she copes with ME  in HER bed  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2011, 23:44:29 PM »
We have the same problem. The girls are wonderful and mostly leave us alone when we're in bed. (I say mostly because Astryd will climb under the duvet for a cuddle.)

But Darwin is a terror. He attacks feet if they move a mm and he chooses to sleep at the bottom of the bed so he notices when they do..... :tired: Shutting him out results in "scrape, scrape, scrape......Meowwwwww!" at the door so to be honest there's not much sleep to be had either way. Am hoping he grows out of the foot attacks......

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2011, 13:03:48 PM »
Not a good night last night - certainly no dilemma about turfing him off the bed!  He settled, then he was up and kept trying to mither Jaffa so I was having to distract him from that.  Then he'd come back or settle on my legs, but only for a short while.  Then he started messing with the window blinds and stuff and eventually he started swiping at my hands and feet under the duvet, even though they were perfectly still!  At that point I shut him in the living room but for the rest of the night we had scratching at the door (he rattles the door handle and it makes quite a racket) and whining.  I got very little sleep.  Jaffa got up at about 5.30am and immediately went to the living room door which was obviously closed.  I opened it a small way and virtually pushed poor Jaffa into the lving room and shut the door so that I could go back to bed undisturbed.  As soon as I got back into bed I felt guilty so went and let them both through.  I look terrible and am stuggling to concentrate at work due to tiredness.   It has funny moments and Mosi is so cute when he cuddles up to me, but when I have nights like last night I'm in a quandry as to what to do for the best.  I think I need to ignore Mosi when he is naughty in the bedroom (I did used to) but now he tends to approach Jaffa and I don't want him disturbing Jaffa who is being good and sleeping on his bottle and the last thing I want is 2 of them mooching around the bedroom being annoying.  Shutting Mosi in the living room for a while used to work but he has now started making a noise as soon as I shut him out there.  I do play with him in the evenings but sometimes he's worse then as he's wound up, plus it's a viscous circle as no sleep means I'm too tired the following evening to play with him.  Hmmm....

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2011, 15:07:50 PM »
Elvis slept on my pillow (my head lay at the bottom of the pillow) and miki on my tummy...but then we built a huge cat multi-gym-scrathypost-play area im the livingroom, complete with 3 catbox hidey holes and a radiator bed... since we built that the cats dont sleep on my bed anymore   :'( Now I have difficulty sleeping cos they are not there  :rofl:

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2011, 13:46:40 PM »
Being one who has difficulty sleeping and who has 2 or 3 cats on the bed, I have sympathy.

I woke up today with Misa cuddling full length on oneside and Franta curled up on the other and I was pinned down by the sheet. I decided that Misa moving would be the easiest and when I got up was amazed to see Sasa asleep on the floor by the bed and Ducha of course asleep in his cage. Misa just shuffled and stayed asleep lol.

Gave me a warm snuggly feeling to have all 4 up there despite a few hours earler playing shouting games with Franta who was being an absolute nightmare.

Cope! Wots that mean  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2011, 13:00:04 PM »
amber sleeps between mine and oh pillow at the start of the evening and then with arms wrapped around oh wrist under the cover (she jumps over him to change sides when he turns over) the only time she isn't allowed is on frontline day because of oh allergies  we've often toyed with the idea of shutting her out to get a better nights sleep but oscar and tilly sleep on the top of our wardrobe so it wouldn't be fair on them either - I guess in answer to your question how to we manage, we don't!

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Oh the dilemma!
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2011, 12:34:05 PM »
Readers of my recent posts will know that I am currently suffering sleeplessness caused (at least partly) by having a face full of fur every night due to Mosi's current desire to sleep along the bottom of my pillow.  We struggle for possession of the bed and he usually wins leaving me to rest my head in the crack between pillows.  He's always done this from time to time but he usually moves down the bed after a while.  He is staying put now leaving me desperately trying to find a comfy position.  The irony is that now I'm actually getting used to it and miss him when he's not there  :innocent:   Last night it was the same as usual and I lay awake for ages.  This time he was marginally lower down the bed and a bit more curled up and I was actually getting quite comfy.  Then I realised I needed the loo.  I probably didn't really but I'd been lying awake in bed for over 2 hours and knew I wouldn't get back to sleep once I'd got that in my head.  So the dilemma - Mosi was sleeping on top of the duvet but right up close to me so that the duvet was tightly pinned down around me that side.  Jaffa was asleep the other side so I just couldn't get out of bed without moving a cat!  Now I know that most on here would have just crossed their legs and gone back to sleep  ;D but I was desperate for sleep and knew I'd just lie there thinking about going to the loo if I didn't get up.  So I gradually tried to budge Mosi a bit in the hope that he'd move up enough for me to sort of climb out of the top of the duvet and eventually he got the message and jumped down from the bed.  Oh the guilt!  When I got back into bed he came back but after a few minutes decided that lying on my legs was the preferred sleeping place.

So now I can't sleep if he's on my pillow and I can't sleep if he's not cos I miss him!  :shify:  How on earth do those of you who share beds with cats manage?


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