Author Topic: Im Broody!  (Read 1879 times)

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Im Broody!
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2011, 11:10:18 AM »
I wonder if its the size that makes them feel more settled with kids, a toddler is much more closer in size so not as threatening maybe-its probably just the mischief factor though :rofl:, it seems georgia and honey have twinned up rapidly, honey trys to get Georgia to play with peppa pig toys though and doesnt understand that georgia doesnt want to, I think honey thinks well i play with you and your cat toys so why wont you play peppa pig!
well i had better go finish the kitten-twice i tried to hoover it, first time hoover was blocked-phone rang so interrupted, so went back in after unblocking hoover, started again and phone rang again. now im stuck with weird daughter suckling my arm :Crazy:

Offline AllShookUp

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Re: Im Broody!
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2011, 10:55:38 AM »
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Elvis seems to keep a relatively wide birth of the kids... they are too noisy for him I think. Hes a pampered wee soul and loves his peace and quiet and cosies. My fault entirely  :evillaugh: He will sit with my oldest one and groom her. He steers clear of my middle one. But most animals do  :rofl: :rofl: something about them sensing the devil?? haha. And my youngest is just toddling so Elvis cant be bothered with him.

Mikki LOVES children though. She prefers them to adults.

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Im Broody!
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 10:46:08 AM »
Georgia shredded up my leather corner sofa---its now got "suede sides" :rofl: she has a cat scratching post but doest use it, I now know why people rant about sofas and kittens , its not her fault though, shes just being a cat, I tell her no and take her to her post to scratch but she doesnt bother with it, just strolls off to pay with toys instead

I was feeding the birds (lovies and cockatiel) this morning and Georgia is obssed with bird feeding time so tried to get in the food, Honey was helping me so tried to pull box out of way, I now have bird food from one end of kitchen to the other as they both immediately strated running around in it and as its little seeds it just rolled in all directions :Crazy:
Georgia also stopped eating her own diner just to get in on bird feeding time as she knows our cockateil comes down off his perch to feed and its just on her level :shocked:
 Kittens definstely do seem to adapt to childrens habits well it seems, no wonder babies have it made really with all the lovely soft blankets toys and kittens want thattoo :shy:. If i had known in advance though id have swapped the cat basket for a childs fluffy rug, i think she actually detests the basket as walks round it giving it a wide birth :Crazy: :rofl:

Offline AllShookUp

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Re: Im Broody!
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 10:29:31 AM »
We got Miki as a playmate for Elvis. Its done him the world of good. He was very boistrous when playing and had taken to shredding wall paper etc.  They are of similar age. Miki likes to sleep in my youngest's cot. She seems to be obsessed with his cosy blankets and paws at them for hours.... her purs when she does this sound like some kind of supe-ed up car engine!

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Im Broody!
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 10:24:24 AM »
nooo- I have 5 children and thats enough, I borrow my friends son at playgroup for a cuddly but he makes me nervous strangely as i cant cope with him being so tiny-all mine were quite hefty and boobfed so easy to keep quiet when they started grizzling :rofl:
Its since we got Georgia- typically as soon as i got into bed last night she came down to my room to try and play on bed and get in between me and oh- we have just got my youngest into a toddler bed so oh does not want the empty space in bed replaced by a new baby ,cute kitty or not :(

I just soo want another kitten to keep her company and i refuse to encourage peple to breed their poor cats for money so just waiting for an unwanted kitty to come along. I really want a hairy cat though to brush and stroke, I think its the mothering instinct, I need a cat that needs fuss.
Georgia is extemely well behaved and looks after all her needs herself really, she tells me if she wants anything by her meowing or kissing my face in the morning, comes to play when she wants and sleeps where she decides , the only rebellion ive had from her is she will not sleep in her basket, she prefers the girls room. i think its all the pink fluffy stuff as she loves it in there :wow:
she was with my youngest honey this morning cuddled up together on my 6 year old daughters bed. im shocked at how she has fit in so easily, shes an absolute wonder :Luv2:
i just worry she needs another kitten, the lady whom i rescued her from had found homes for th others , kept the cute fluffy one and noone wanted georgia-hence the reason she was gonna dump her >:(
I think it would be lovely if she had a friend to play with and do cat stuff although my kids are very good at this too, Honey and georgia are definately of the same frame of mind and go off on adventures in the house together now, i just have to follow to make sure they dont get into too much mischief, usually involving bits of ribbon or toilet roll etc :Crazy: :innocent:

Offline AllShookUp

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Re: Im Broody!
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 09:30:18 AM »
 :evillaugh: I thought you meant broody for kiddies heehee. I was gonna say Im ALWAYS broody for more kids ;) :evillaugh:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Im Broody!
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 22:45:41 PM »
Georgias fast asleep, so are the kids- Georgia normally has a rampant play this time of night but shes gone to bed with eldest daughter, any strays in the area are welcome to scratch at my front door :(


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