Author Topic: My bruvs cats  (Read 1346 times)

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My bruvs cats
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2010, 20:45:12 PM »
My bruv and family have 2 cats and have just got a malemute puppy. The old cat Mickey is missing out on love and affection but pushing his luck against a very big dog. Whilst staying there I had a good old cuddle with Mickey but the puppy Kira had to stick her nose in.I did carry Mickey and plonk him on my neices bed for the night which pleased them both  :evillaugh: The other cat Jessie I havet seen in the 2 yrs shes been there. If you look at her shes gone, no cuddle no strokes, no talking nothing. So this morning Im trying to put dirty towels in the washing basket only to find Jessie in residence. I spoke to her and she blinked so at least i knew I wasnt talking to a t-shirt  :-[  I stuck my hand in and tickled her head and she blinked but there was no way was she moving from her comfy spot. The towels ended up on the floor and Jessie stayed in her cosy bed...... am i really that easy to convince a cat (or dog) is right and Im wrong  :rofl: :rofl:


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