No, this isn't the one with the wonky kidneys, that's Polly. This is the slightly younger one - she's 17. She's in good condition for her age, though moulting a little at the moment. She washes Polly, who is fluffier, so is prone to furball. She's eating well. She makes a similar odd kind of feral moaning when she takes a lump of food (mashing it doesn't help) from her bowl and carries it into another room to eat - as though she's warning off anyone who might pinch it. She's always done this.
It occurred to me that over the last 6wks or so, I've spent two weekends away - visiting my mother. During this time P and S have been left for 48hrs with large bowls of food. They've been fine when I've returned. But it's around that time that this behaviour started. So I'm thinking she may be waking up worried about whether I'm here. She's fine after I speak to her.
I have been thinking about taking both cats for an old lady's MOT. I probably won't have bloods done unless the vet suggests it, but it would help if the vet could take a good look at them. They like one particular vet - a female who handles them so well that the silly cats think she's fussing them!