Author Topic: to be or not to be....a failed fosterer!  (Read 1823 times)

Offline snarf

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Re: to be or not to be....a failed fosterer!
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2010, 19:32:26 PM »
thanks guys - at least im not the only one tempted!
thanks pinkbear- its just that that is holding me back really  and i was sort of panicing that someone might adopt him before me but that would good! i dont want to stop fostering
ive always said (to concerned family and friends that think i will become the mad cat woman from the simpsons) that i will end up keeping one/some foster but itll be one thats hard to home and/or if one gels really well with one or both of mine. when lucifer was young he was forever trying to touch noses with strange cats and it was his first response to sparecats arrival (not hers however  :rofl:) and squeak resonse is similar and they might grow to be close, theyre not now.

Helen- aye, its the seeing them change thats soo rewarding and hes more confident and trusting all the time and it probably is why im more attached to him then giles.nothing to do with his sweet personality and good looks  :shify:

all that said,ive just had a call saying someone thats previously adopted is interested in him (shes lovely apparently) andmy first reaction was pleased for squeak. so it looks like hell be going but hes absoloutely only going to someone who will appreciate my gentle giant  :Luv:

Offline Leanne

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Re: to be or not to be....a failed fosterer!
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2010, 13:26:11 PM »
I'd say keep him, his melted my heart just reading about him, and honestly if I could I'd take him  :Luv2:

But then thats why I can't foster or work in cat rescue it just wouldn't work.

Offline Pudding

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Re: to be or not to be....a failed fosterer!
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2010, 12:21:52 PM »
 :hee hee:  Sometimes I do. and who has 6 kittens right now? - that I will not be keeping? :Nooooo:

Offline Angiew

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Re: to be or not to be....a failed fosterer!
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2010, 22:05:48 PM »
The devils advocate in me would say this - are you going to fall in love with every cat you foster? I think the answer is probably yes in which case you would either have to stop fostering or stretch yourself spacewise and finance-wise.

Thats the dichotomy (probably not the right word!), if you don't fall in love then perhaps you should think of giving up and if you do you have to be happy to see them go to their new lives even if a bit of your heart goes with them...

Offline Pinkbear (Julie)

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Re: to be or not to be....a failed fosterer!
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2010, 21:44:53 PM »
Well, something in the region of 150 kittens plus a few adults have been through this house in the last 5 years. The current one (Honey) is absolutely adorable, she's melted my heart, her story would sell books, etc., etc... she's an ideal keeper if I was the keeping sort of person.  :briggin:

However... what about the next Honey? Where is she going to go?  :( What happens when there really is no more room and no fosterers left with a space free?  :scared:

Fact is, I KNOW Honey will find an excellent home with a family that will spoilt her rotten. My part in her success story will be facilitating the happy ending, not being that happy ending itself.  :briggin: I pick them up, dust them down, patch them up and ship them on.  :evillaugh: On the other hand, I cannot be certain the next Honey will find shelter if I'm not able to take her in.   :doh:

I do know it's not easy when you've fallen in love, but I always tell people in this dilemma to think about the next one who desperately needs them. They don't always listen to me.... Pudding didn't!  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: to be or not to be....a failed fosterer!
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2010, 21:23:26 PM »
It must be a very hard decision to make as he looks adorable, I know I've fallen in love with cats I've never even met (Marigold!) so to have cared for him for all this time and seen him blossom like that under your care must be amazing  :hug:

The devils advocate in me would say this - are you going to fall in love with every cat you foster? I think the answer is probably yes in which case you would either have to stop fostering or stretch yourself spacewise and finance-wise.

The crazy cat lady in me would say keep him - he's gorgeous and sounds such a sweet little character  :Luv2:

Offline snarf

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to be or not to be....a failed fosterer!
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 20:59:46 PM »
Im seriously considering adopting squeak (,32609.0.html) I adore him  :Luv2:

Lucifer and sparecat don’t exactly love him but hes very non confrontational and theres nothing they wont get over in my opinion, they’ll sleep within smacking range  :slap:

Im not exactly flush with cash but ive just been given a small payrise and belts could be tightened ( non feline belts!!  :rofl:) By my reckoning monthly costs should be around 7 insurance, 20 food, 5 litter and 4 worming and frontline = 36 permonth plus yearly vaccs and collars and toys:innocent:

Squeaks been aged as 4 years and was neutered in may. He has a watering eye which the vet thinks is due to a previous feline flu bout or Chlamydia but has said to keep an eye on it and its not worth treating? It doesn’t appear to bother him.

From a brief look he seems to be missing some of the small front teeth but none of the big ones

So I think I can cover the general costs and still foster but I worry about dental care in particular- obviously this is a possibility with my 2 but they’ve had years of me controlling their diet and dental biscuits as treats so would seem lower risk to me. Obviously anything that needs paying WILL be paid, come hell or high water the cats come before everything else but realistically im not currently in a position to afford frequent dental work.

Giles was never an option to adopt, he upset Lucifer too much to stay forever. So am I just adopting the first cat I can and will I feel like this about every cat? Were short on fosters at the mo so ive offered to double up as squeaks out all the time now leaving the spare room available to isolate which will hopefully give me a better idea.

I live in a small 2 bed terrace- is this enough space for 3 permenant residents ( and possibly a foster)

I don’t want to stop fostering, but am i stretching myself too early?

Thoughts and opinions please! Im really struggling to decide for sure!


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