Author Topic: My Meowmy is naughty and got told off today  (Read 1197 times)

Offline puggy1975 Zoe

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Re: My Meowmy is naughty and got told off today
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2010, 18:56:31 PM »
Oh Domino i hpe yoo feel betta soon

My Meowmy takes me to the green people called da vet and they made me much betta when i was weely poorly

I am betta now but since i was poorly Meowmmy gives me so much more cuddles and says i very dependant

You have a good Meowmy

You pal Ollie and my sis Tyler but she to lazt to go on the putter

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Offline Ellen2010

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Re: My Meowmy is naughty and got told off today
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2010, 14:28:05 PM »
I az been to see da vet and he stuck pointy fings in me and she told meowmy one was to ease da pain and da other one was somefink called antibiotic just to be safe.  I am home with meowmie and coz I won't eat she has been trying to feed me food with a fingy but I just spat it out. 

I av gotz to go back tomoz in da morning to see da vet again and I don't like dat as da vet sed dey wanted to see me tomoz and would decide wot needed to be done den if anyfing.  I av managed a few purrs for meowmie and meowmie has me wrapped up in a nice fleecy blanket on da sofa next to her while she knits nice stuff for rescue kitty's and dogz.  She sed dis is so she can keep an eye on me, I fink meowmy is really worried about me.  :scared:  :(
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: My Meowmy is naughty and got told off today
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2010, 01:31:07 AM »
Oh Domino if you are in pain and cant eat you must see da vet, cos the vet will help you to get back to being better again  :ahh:

I am sure that the nasty manager didnt cause you to need to see da vet but sure your meowmy will want you to come home again with her  :hug: :hug:

Offline Ellen2010

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My Meowmy is naughty and got told off today
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2010, 01:14:31 AM »
Well my meowmy went to get us some cat meat from Morrison's and she has been going there for years but da manager told her off.  :rofl:  Well my older step sister Sophie has to have certain flavoured meat because she has poorly kidneys and meowmy got told by a person called da vet that she could stay on ordinary meat as long as it was certain flavours.  :'(

Well by what I heard meowmy telling her meowmy on the phone the manager caught her buying all da whiskas chicken cat meat and she had emptied da shelves of it all, and from now on she has to phone da Friday before she goes shopping to Morrison's to get them to order her what she wants so dat other people can buy da chicken flavour and dey will put it in da back wiv her name on for her to collect.

But I fink dat da nasty manager must have upset meowmie  :( as she is on about taking me to see da person called da vet tomorrow.  I yelled out last night and meowmy just heard me but today I have not felt like eating so she has told me if I am still da same tomorrow I have to go see da vet.  I can't even jump onto da side for my food so meowmie has brought me it but I did not want it :sick:.  Meowmy has been giving me lots and lots of  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: and I have cried out in pain dis evening  :sick: So fink by meowmy's expression and da worry on her face she will be taking me to see da person she calls da vet  :shocked:  I hope dey let me come home with meowmy as she is so gentle and I will miss her  :hug: and kisses and snuggle uggling upto her on a night on da bed. :Luv2:

« Last Edit: August 11, 2010, 01:16:37 AM by Ellen2010 »
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all


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