Hi all, only have a few minutes right now, but I thought I would catch you up on 2 topics.
2 weeks ago after we got home from work we got a call form the people there. The building maintance guy found a kitten in the median just out of the building. They asked if I knew someone who may want it. I told them no, but would look around. When I got to work the next day, Judy had brought the kitten to her home for the night and I saw it for the first time. It was no more than 4 weeks old, easily fit in my hand, had a bad cold, swollen eyes, singed whiskers, badly stained face (likely from the dripping eyes) and his front paws were badly cut up on the pads. We brought him to our vet who offered to board him for no cost while tests and treatments were done. The kitten was about 4.5 weeks to 5 weeks old and may have had some burns on the face a little (whiskers). He tested neg for FIV/FLEV/FIP but does have round worms. Treatment on the worms and his bad cold started about 10 days ago. No one offered to take him, so as of 4 days ago he became Perseus, our new kitten.
Here are images from his time at the vet:
Here is a PDF with other images
http://www.coolcybercats.com/images/messages/17594perseus.pdfI did not include the images of him with his paws all bandaged up, it is too sad. But he is now here at the house and isolated in the upstairs bed room and bathroom. He is doing well, is wild and a little purr machine!
Now the fire part (not about Purseus). If you have read some of my past posts you know that I am in the Rocky Mountains in the USA. We have had a bad pine beetle problem here for a few years and a LOT of trees are now dead. Some mountains are over 60% deat lodgepole pines now. A matchbox waiting to happen as we enter fire season. Well, a wild fire started only a couple miles from here Friday evening.
The mountains were glowing red Friday and Saturday nights!
These images were taken from my websites live camera:
The white stuff at the bottom of the image by the river is a BIG camp ground.
Here is a shot from Friday night:
Thankfully the fire has moved away from us so far, but it is still running wild. I always get a bit nervous when they are so close and the helecopters and planes are called in and flying all over dropping water all day.