as a child Sam and Suzy who were both mogs.
Then approx 20 years ago our neighbours tabby Sage decided that myself and husband were better prospects than her existing owners. {She wasn't well and had to be kept in, they weren't prepared to do this as they had a baby and asked us if she could stay with us. We said yes and she never really went home}.
Just in case Sage was reclaimed by her owners we decided to get cats of our own and Shady and Shona arrived, gorgeous pewter and blue tabby persian sisters. Shona was PTS last year aged 17yr and so far has been the feline love of my life.
We then discovered colourpoints and along came Sophy, Shelley, Glory, Candie, Oska, Omar and Sassie.
We then helped out at the Shirrin persian rescue and along came Melody, Sasha, Sushi, Daisy and Toffee.
We then decided to try another breed and along came Beau the ragdoll.
Ginger the moggie moved in as a stray [we used to find him asleep in a tree when we came home from work ]
We then decided to get a Norwegian and along came Kalle and Kyrre.
Most of these have gone to the bridge now and we are left with Oska, Sassie, Ginger, Kalle and Kyrre. Sadly Beau did not appreciate living in a multi cat home and we eventually decided to rehome him [yesterday so feeling pretty crap about it].