Hi everyone
sorry this is going to be a long post
I've got a really stroppy raggie called Beau who is not having a good time at moment. In January we took on two NFC kittens and after a month or so after this Beau got really bad conjuctivitis in one eye. We went away for a weekend and came back found him with his eye closed. He was referred to the eye specialist at our vets who said he was the worst case that she had ever seen. Tests were done and it was found that he carries the Herpes virus which causes the eye problem. Anyway treatment was completed at cost of £1000 plus and he was fine. Yesterday I found him with gunge in the same eye and sure enough he has conjuctivitis again.
He is a jekyll and hyde character at the best of times one minute loving next minute biting or scratching and he is very attached to me and he is very aggressive at times to the kittens but other times plays with them quite happily. He has always been like this though so its not just since the arrival of the kittens and he gets as much attention as them [if not more]. I know the Herpes virus flares up when stressed so have been trying to de stress him as I feel this could be an ongoing problem that we could have. I've put him on zyklene and have a feliway diffuser. I was wondering about Bach flower remedies as to whether this could help him. {I previously tried rescue remedy in his water when we first got him but this had no effect on his nature but have not tried it since or on his coat]. He has also started peeing on the bed [usually when I'm in it], and will cry loudly if shut out of the room and keep everyone awake. I've as a very last resort thought about rehoming him if this would make him happier but I think this would be vey difficult due to his stroppy nature and the fact his Herpes medication is so expensive [10 tablets = £70!!!!! which lasts 3 weeks ], whilst we have him insured for anyone else this condition would be excluded. He is the most loving cat I've ever owned when he it suits him but vile if it doesn't!
Any other suggestions at all to make him less stressed???