Author Topic: What to do?  (Read 2616 times)

Offline Den

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2010, 18:05:21 PM »
It depends what she likes. Memphis loves his feathers so Kitty Kopters, Da Bird and feather ticklers go down a treat here. Also Da Mousey, straws and cardboard boxes. He also loves his treat ball. All of these makes Memphy a happy little boy.

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Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2010, 16:34:47 PM »
VERY old  photo - Feb 2006 -

Embarressed about the garden here - it is much nicer now

New photo & close up of netting

OOOO Pics a little on the teeny side  :-[

« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 16:35:39 PM by Gail Bengal Slave »

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Offline Dawn F

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2010, 13:29:13 PM »
well this is mine!!

best purchase ever

Offline Cozmo

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2010, 13:27:55 PM »
Cool thanks guys...I have a questions though...whats a "cat tree"!?!

Offline isabella

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2010, 13:13:54 PM »
Anything that they can chase and stalk is great stimulation. A great little toy is those laser pens. You can sit in a chair and let her do all the running! Also, try hiding little treats (eg dry food) all over the house and let her work to try and find them. This replicates hunting in the wild and will keep her mind active and alert.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2010, 12:41:07 PM »
most used toys in my house are ping pong balls and yeoww catnip from the purrs shop - the cat tree is another essential

Offline Cozmo

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2010, 12:32:18 PM »
Thanks Mojo, another bit of useful information that shall come to hand.

Thanks so much everyone for the advice. I am also wondering what are the best "bordem beater" toys for cats out there as I think that might be a good idea to divert some of her energy towards (rather than the sofa and the carpet). I've heard of Da Bird but there's so many types...what is the best one?

Offline Mojo

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2010, 08:57:23 AM »
I will have to post some pics of mine up, I did it quite cheaply following this guide and all the products used

so far after about a month, there have been no escapees and no real attempts!!  ;D

Add Glitter to Pictures

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Offline Cozmo

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2010, 07:08:09 AM »
Yeah Dawn's looks awesome, I showed it to the OH and he said thats probably the way to go.

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2010, 20:50:19 PM »
Cozmo, you should know by now topics can go way off track on here!

I think that the cat proofing Dawn did herself looks pretty good actually. (Not that I'm any expert on it - I'd not know where to start!)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Cozmo

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2010, 20:13:47 PM »
I know the problems faced with rescue centres and rescue piggies also (not for breeding obviously). I am a responsible breeder and will make sure my piggies go to responsible homes. I also stipulate that if they feel they are unable to care for their pigs, to bring them back to me for the very reason faces with rescues, and the fact I don't like the thought of any of my pigs in that environment.

However I did not start this thread to talk about breeding, its about trying to help my cat.

Thats a great idea Gail, thanks for the info.

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2010, 13:01:45 PM »
was going post  a pic of my catproofing but  photobucket is blocked at work  >:( >:(

I had my stystem through Roz - (she hasnt been on hee for a while)  - In total with fitting it cost around £600. But worth EVEY penny.
Dawn's system looks great. May be Roz will sell you just the netting, if you get those brackets from wicks.

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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2010, 19:22:58 PM »
Guinea pigs and rabbits have always had fair amounts in rescue - even when I was on placement about 11 years ago.... :(

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2010, 18:46:08 PM »
Cat proofing is a good way to go.

I know it probably doesnt matter but did you know there are hundreds of piggies looking for homes, their over population is as bad a problem as cats, dogs and rabbits  :( so much so rescues are now neutering before rehoming

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2010, 17:27:18 PM »
Dawns fence.... :)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2010, 16:24:49 PM »
Dawn, email me the picture if you want. ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Dawn F

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2010, 14:09:18 PM »
we got the brackets from wickes and the netting from the rather glamourous plastics online I think lol!  I do have a photo but am rubbish at posting photos but you can pm me your email address and I can sent it to you if you want

Offline Cozmo

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2010, 14:06:19 PM »
Wow thats good Dawn! Does the netting go all over your garden or is it just a couple of feet from the fence (if you get what I'm saying).

Also do you have a website addy where I can get the stuff from?

Offline Dawn F

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2010, 14:01:01 PM »
we did ours for £100 its 60ft by 40ft - brackets and netting best thing we've ever done although not very good it you've got lots of trees

Offline Cozmo

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2010, 13:51:05 PM »
Yes she's been spayed.

How could we cat proof the garden? It would have to be done in a way that is cheap.

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2010, 13:45:28 PM »
Could you cat proof your garden?

do you know if this little lady has been spayed?

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Offline Cozmo

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What to do?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2010, 13:19:43 PM »
I'd like to get some ADVICE (!!!) over what we can do or what options we have over our cat. I posted a thread about a month ago saying this cat had turned up on our doorstep and not left for a few days, well she's still here, no one has owned up to her. I'm now in a position where I think we may have to find a new home for her.

After recent events I said she would remain a house cat due to the fact we live on a busy road, however, she is driving us mad. Clawing the carpets and sofa. She paces from one window sill (and knocks things off in the process) to the other looking put the window and meowing like she wants to go out. She doesn't actually ever try very hard to get out but we are worried that she might.

Also we breed guinea pigs and mostly keep our pigs in the shed, but we do have some in the living room (which my OH has had to make a mesh lid for so she doesn't get in and kill them). She is a little obsessed with them. We had our very first litter born on Sunday and she is fixated by them.

Our other potential problem is, we are looking for a lodger and we fear they might not think to check the cat is not around when they open the front or back door. At the end of the day, the cat won't be there responsibility. Also in the summer, because our house is flat roofed, it gets absolutely baking and the only way to try and cool the house down is to open the back door and all the windows. We can't do that with the cat around!

I really would like to try and make this work, so any advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated. I've always wanted a cat so will do anything to keep her, but fear I'm running out of options.

Please help!
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 13:22:01 PM by Cozmo »


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