A friend gave Molly very strong organic fresh catnip for her Easter that her own cats simply loved. Great ... so I thought.... Molly loves catnip!
I put some on the floor as per the instructions - Molly did the major nose on floor sniffs - then went crackers!
Incredibly funny - until the next day.
Next morning - my little furry babe didn't look so good - her little left eye was streaming, her left nostril was 'all muckied up' and her cute pink nose was all swollen. Clearly from too strong catnip - I can only assume that her sniffing it 'raw' and deeply had irritated her nasal passages and affected her ENT.
I felt awful - next lot of this catnip went into her current toys (ie: cut open toy, put in nip, sewed toy back up). Lesson learned but not witout me feeling truly hellish about it. She was as right as rain the next morning again and has played with her rejuvinated joys with no bad after effects.
Anyone else done anything similar - what you thought would be a good move that turned out to be a bad one that made you feel just terrible?
It didnt help that when I eventually told me friend, she blamed me (abeit she was joking with me) for being a bad mum for overdosing Molly.