The normal staywell ones, ie c10 or c20, are actually cat proof in my hose as the notch on the dial has to be turned round before it will open so as long as you put a bit of sellotape over tha battery compartment it works fine.
Amazon have loads of different ones. I am at a loss what one to get as i have 2 cats and am afraid the greedy one will just eat the 2 meals. I was thinking of getting 2 of these - putting them in seperate areas so both will get fed. But ive heard they are not very sturdy! Milo would get into it over night.
are they less likely to break into these feeders if they contain dry rather than wet food?I would have thought there would have been less smell to tempt them - though of course the naughty Rileys of this world have now learned that feeder down means food inside
Try PAH automatic pet feeders.
he is v naughty but you have to admit he is so cute