My sister is a hairdresser and one of her collegues took on 'somehow' a stray female not long ago
I was in the salon about 6 weeks ago and the collegue said she thinks the cat may be pregnant, she had been calling then went out and came back looking very satisfied...She asked me if there was a possibility she could have mated, errr, highly likely!!!
Anyway, she is 100% sure of the pregnancy, not sure if the cat has seen the vet, my Mum told me yesterday she is thinking of putting her in the shed to have the kittens
She has no clue what to do when she starts birthing, from experience I know anything could go wrong, my 1st cat I had living on my own got out and got preg before I could get her spayed about 15yrs ago.
From what I have heard the mother is only just out of kittenhood herself, about 8 mths old I believe.
Im really worried that she is so inexperienced what happens if the mother rejects the kittens, if she hasnt paid out to get her spayed will she be willing to pay vets bills for care of the kittens.
Makes me mad that some ppl think its exciting when their cat gets preg by accident and thinks its going to be 'so much fun' having kittens around.
It is bloody hard work and I wouldnt do it again in a hurry!!!
Do you think I should offer to help her out? Im not vastly experienced but I think I know more than she does!!!