I am off to New York on Thursday and my lovely MIL is coming to stay to look after the cats, we were just going through all the details of food, litter etc etc and we had to laugh about the last time she cat sat for me. The cats have a large water bowl, (dog size) and above it is a window sill with a small fake plant on it, now between me leaving for holiday and my MIL arriving at our house, one of the cats must have got onto the windowsill and knocked that plant straight into the waterbowl below and it landed the right way up in the middle, so when my MIL got to my house all she saw was a plant floating in the big waterbowl. My MIL doesnt have cats but she loves them and spoils them rotten, she thinks I am mad having so many cats but has never really said as much. Anyway after two weeks we arrived home the plant was in the water bowl, I went to take it out and my MIL roared with laughter, she had changed the cats water twice a day and made sure each time she had put the plant back into the middle of the waterbowl, she thought it was supposed to be there and I had created a sort of indoor water feature for my cats !

Now I am crazy, but not that crazy !