A little update for everyone.
Madam Princess Stroppy Moo Faberlush Lexy is doing very well. Keeping me up at night

as she's rediscovering her legs. I do try to get her a good workout when I am home in the evenings so that she is tired at night, but in true kitten style (she has regressed), Lexy needs more than that!
A limp is a given, and we will review again in a few weeks. Suffice it to say, that Lexy is a happy madam.
As for being a kitten.. the eyes are constantly on alert for new toys, tail is always in the air and she pounces. Yes... pounces.

A lot.

I get more cuddles, usually when I am in the most comfortable of position on the sofa and she wants to settle down in the tiny little spot between my arm and my body

I do worry about her leg as she does get wobbly now and again, but that is expected and the strength in her leg will improve.
Lexy wanted to send a lot of


to all her Aunties and Uncles, thanking them for all the wonderful vibes that kept her going strong in her pen for nearly 3 months (yes.. 3 months!).
Now if only I could figure out how to trim her claws without hurting her leg. Me finks vets havta does it