Author Topic: HOW THE CHRISTMAS AUCTION WORKS  (Read 1976 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

  • Board Staff
  • Purrrrrfect Cat
  • *****
  • Posts: 73567
  • Misa at 4yrs old and new with me
  • Slave to: Misa, Sasa, Franta Napoleon RIP, Ducha RIP and Lupin, Kocka RIP
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 13:50:49 PM »

:xmas 8: :newyr 1: :xmas 8:

This year the auction is for Sunny Harbour run by Sarah and our target is £2000   :look:

Thats a lot of money to aim for but we have achieved this in the last two years ;D and if we manage to make more than that our other three independent rescues will also benefit as any money over our target will be split equally between Ron's Lost Cats Brighton, Lesley's Eight Lives Left and Teresa's Paws Inn :na na naa na:

This is our Fifth Annual Christmas Auction, the first was on Cat Chat and the rest on Purrs, where has the time gone?  :catplay2: Last year we raised an astounding amount and we hope we can do the same this year with loads of hard work from bidders and the Purrs staff who I have to thank for their hard work :yes: 

Tan and I are amazed each year at all your generosity Purrs peeps and for this we humbly thank you  :bow: :bow: :bow:

I know times are hard for so many but if you are able, please help and support the auction. It will be great fun as usual with loads of madness over the two weeks and every little counts to help Sarah help the cats that need homes.   :agree:

The auction will start on Sunday 22 November at 1500 hrs and close on Monday 7 December at 2000 hrs which allows time for all payments to be made to Sarah before Christmas and a quick sprint to the Post Office to easily catch the last  post before Christmas.  :birth 2: :birth 2: :birth 2:

Having said that we all know that there are currently massive postal problems so watch the thread for any change to the sending out of items please  because I dont think its a good idea for them to be trapped in mass build up of undelivered post. We may delay the sending out until things are better. Its still five weeks before the auction ends so everything may be back to normal again by then.  :see:
How to auction
All postable items can be put up for auction.  No items can be listed until  22 November at 1500hrs.........when I will say open for bidding or some such phrase   :evil larf 2:

Please spread out items over the whole length of the auction so we have new items coming on each day  :ok:

Everyone with items to be auctioned, please start a new thread under the 2009 Christmas Auction section (a separate new thread for each item) as follows:

1. The subject of the thread needs to be the item name.
2. In the message box you need to give a clear description of the item, with a picture if possible (items sell better with a pic!), the start price if there is one and any other useful information!!
3. The cost of P&P.
4. It is suggested that where it is not actually a cat related item you come up with a deviouis and witty way of linking it to cats.  ;)

Remember dear peeps that the aim is to sell sell sell..........ummmmmm did I steal that no Tan did  :evillaugh:..............and get as much money as possible.  :ok:

The auctioneers kindly need to to cover the postage and packing costs of the items to be sent to the winning bidders. The P&P stated by the auctioneer will then be added to the winning bid amount when the auction closes and this total will be paid by the winning bidder direct to Purrs in our Hearts who will forward the target to Sarah at Sunny Harbour and any over this, to the other three rescues.  :donate2:

Thanks very much.  :cat rub:
Postage and packing rates  etc
Length:      240mm max
Width:       165mm max
Thickness: 5mm max
Weight      0 - 100g                    1ST = 39p              2ND=30p

Large letter
Length:     353mm max
Width:       250mm max
Thickness: 25mm max
Weight 0-100g                       1ST = 61p                  2ND = 47p
Weight 101-250g                   1ST = 90p                  2ND = 76p
Weight 251-500g                   1ST = 124p                2ND = 104p
Weight 501-750g                   1ST = 177p                2ND = 151p
Length:     over 353mm
Width:       over 250mm
Thickness: over 25mm
Weight 0-100g                       1ST =128p                2ND =108p
Weight 101-250g                   1ST =162p                2ND =141p
Weight 251-500g                   1ST =214p                2ND =185p
Weight 501-750g                   1ST =265p                2ND =224p
Weight 751-1000g                 1ST =325p                2ND =270p

There are more 1st Class rates for items over 1000 g

This link will give you an idea but its always best to check at your post office to make sure the rates are correct.

A certificate of posting must be obtained for any items where the original monetary value is under £39 and it goes by letter or packet post. With a higher original monetary value or size putting it into a different category the P&P together with the cost of post office insurance to cover the value should be calculated, this is not much extra. Your post offices should be able to advise you on all aspects of this.
How to bid
Once the auctioneers start threads with the auction items, the bidding can commence as soon as an item is posted. Of course you must bid higher than the one before    :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

The highest bid at 2000hrs ( using the Purrs site clock) on 7 December will be the winner of the item and all bidders undertake to pay the full amount immediately to Purrs in our Hearts on behalf of Sunny Harbour, and on receipt of the money the item will be dispatched first or second class immediately so that it arrives before Christmas, subject to any snail-like posties! BUT PLEASE SEE ABOVE reference POSTAL STRIKES.

On 7 December  at 2000 hrs when all the auctions end, there will be instructions on how to send your money to Purrs in our Hearts and how to contact the Auctioneer with your address for your winning item.   
At the end of each day Gill and  her accomplices will summarize the top bids for each item and the current winning bidder on each thread or in the best way we can do it  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not only is this a serious auction for a great cause but it is of course total madness and we expect everyone to act accordingly,  so loads of fun can be had by all, I am not mad but she is!!   :see: :see: :pic:

Good luck to everyone, have a great time, lets see some great items up for auction and may the best woman win! Oooops did I say woman? I meant person , of course   :yesss: :yesss:
Any questions ask Gill, noooooooooo ask Tan, well, whoever ! Our email addys are in our profiles if we haven't deleted them from overuse .  :tea:

Any public questions should be posted on the special Chatting about the Auction thread, as this one is for information only and will be locked.....................Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Moddy Bods stay off this thread, back in your cages  :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Lets hope we can raise an amazing amount of money this year and thank you in advance to everyone who auctions and bids

       :snowball1: :snowball1: :xmas 7: :snowball1: :snowball1:
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 15:40:18 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »


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